Honda CB750 Sandcast

it's back

Steve Swan

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for what it's worth; my observation and humble opinion........

1.  i see no rust on exposed bead face.  

2.  the rust on the top of the bead does not *appear* deep or extensive enough to compromise safety. (yes, rust is into the steel, but i would suggest not deep enough or extensive enough, to make the rim unusable or to not be able to save the rim.)  

3.  the rust does not appear deep around spoke holes.  as long as there is no rust around the holes, the spokes should be able to be tightened for truing purposes.  

4.  only 2 rust pin holes are visible in the rim body.  of course, there could be others, but the pin holes could be welded closed.

again, in my humble opinion, unless there is rust through the bead or around the spoke holes and the rim body has no extensive thinning or a lot of pin holes and if the rim could be had for $79.95 + $25 shipping, it would be worth the gamble.  without rust where i just mentioned in the previous sentence and with proper repair, the structural integrity should be intact.  in my humble opinion............  despite all the "if's," still worth the gamble, if rim could be had for $105.

probably some of us have thrown more money away on a bad date and/or drunk.   ;D


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Mr Swan, I don't consider getting pissed as a fart a waste of money.  Indeed, getting sloshed is one of life's pleasures for me (burp) and money well spent IMHO. You are very correct in your observation of that rim and I believe worth the chance. I still question if it is a round rim though. The rim looks to be the real meal deal but one picture makes that round profile look flat.
Still, I had a roundie worse than that one and had it welded a finished off to a very acceptable standard.
Anyway I must be off to ready myself for the evening glut glug session  ;D
Yabba Dabba KP