Yes, I did get an email from the guy and he said
thanks for info, the wire bracket was cut off so I switched with another fender I had. Didn't realize they were different. one just sold on ebay for $927 with rust, dents and hole on side so.....
Well the "SO" is this, that fender is NOT A GENUINE DOUBLE CUTIt's a "ring in", a "dud", a "fake", a "copy", a "scam", "bogus", "el-crappo", "bulla the shite"
I know the other rusty fender on ebay IS a genuine double cut, but this other one isn't. Anyone who needs convincing, just look at the two pics. The rusty fender has the correct curve at the cut. The "ring in" has toooooo much curve. Also, the distance from the bracket to the front of the "ring in" fender, measured on the fender side edge, is way shorter than the rusty original. Just have a look at the pics
I hate ebay scammers, especially those that sell fake parts as originals.
I ask everyone reading this post in the next few days to send the dude an email telling him it's a fake. We need to correct this crap. Ya bin asked KP