Honda CB750 Sandcast

sandcast 4286 on ebay

Kevin M

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Sandcast 4286 is listed on ebay with E371.  Seller says he acquired the bike with a K1 engine and put in E371.  In the VIN directory, 4286 is listed with E4991.

It looks like a very nice restoration.


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Sandcast 4286 is listed on ebay with E371.  Seller says he acquired the bike with a K1 engine and put in E371.  In the VIN directory, 4286 is listed with E4991.

It looks like a very nice restoration.

Thank you, Kevin.  I wish I could say I'm 100% satisfied with the bike, or that it was as nice as so many of the restorations on this forum.  I have to sell the bike, now.  Time and money constraints have forced my hand despite a few things I wanted to fix, and even a few things I didn't know needed to be fixed, such as the fork top bolts.  Although the frame was listed with E4991, it had a K1 motor, and very few usable parts when I bought it a few years ago.  I regret not having the head fins fixed, among a couple other choices I made along the way.  I spent a lot of time trying to get the finish on the clear coated parts right, but they came out wrong.  The still looked nice, just not exactly right. I would never claim it's a museum quality bike. 

As I conveyed to Gerard in a message, perhaps I should have asked for more guidance from this forum during the course of my build.