I thought I should say a few words to help users better understand what's going on with the site, updates etc. I know updates are going slow, the changeover to the new format is a huge undertaking and the VIN directory is not getting updated as members submit their VINS by email.
When I receive a new VIN for the directory I put it in a folder and when I'm doing site updates I'll grab a few VIN's and load tem to the directory. They don't go in by the date received. I just select one from the top of the list and copy it into my spreadsheet then the directory. I'm updating the VIN directory into the new site format, so as I said above:
"The first page I wanted to get up was the new VIN Directory. I still have some VIN's to add so if you have submitted one, and it's not on yet don't worry. Now that the page is up I'll get it current as quickly as possible."
I have been battling a health issue for some time now. The last 1.5 years has been
very challenging and my biggest challenge may be ahead of me. I'm not looking for sympathy, only an understanding of why things may appear to be moving turtle slow here. I do this when I feel well, between appointments, family time and other life commitments, on my own without compensation.
My sole income is my disability check from my employer. This is purely a hobby as I am both a motorcycle enthusiast and I enjoy dabbling with web sites and the internet. We are a small group without a lot of traffic so advertising is hard to sell, we have no sponsors at all. We rely totally on member donations to pay the server fees bandwidth etc. Every bit of support is appreciated and keeps us going.
Again, I appreciate your support and understanding. I'll get there eventually. Perhaps in time for another makeover. Technology moves fast!