Some time back there was discussion and general agreement reached about trying to catalogue and describe (via photographs where possible) all the various production distinctions from early to late VINs There are various places on the site where many distinctions have been posted but we would like to get all these records into the one area if possible. I doubt there is an individual member who can undertake this task solo given the number of different parts changes we know about, so could I ask members to consider taking some photos of parts they have and posting these in the "88 Distinctions" thread. My suggestion is to do this as a "new topic" thread for each distinction. Mark has agreed for us to use his photographic record from his restoration project and in time I'll troll through his work and plagiarise some of his photos

If you don't want to post but have some good quality photographs then you can email them to myself for uploading. Appreciate anyone who can assist with this.
One part I don't have is an original non-finned oil filter cover (not a repop) so if anyone could send me some photographs of
originals I would appreciate it. I believe there are several variations on these with some being externally "smooth" finished and some still quiet rough on the outside Photos of both would be appreciated