what the heck. since some of us have known each other for over a decade and a half, some of us know a little about each other, and some of know nothing about each other. so, here goes.
i enjoy history, in particular US history from 1800 - 1876, in particular the antebellum era when the US switched from a fur economy to a slave economy, and then the US Government's eradication of the Native Americans between 1850 to 1890. i've read over 30,000 pages of history over the last 12 years.
here's pics from my motorcycle trip in 2012 trip to Springfield, Illinois, home of Abraham Lincoln, and then pics from 2015-2016, when i followed historic routes of the Oregon Trail, the Boseman Trail, major and minor Army Forts, and Indian/Army battlefields.
Lincoln's home, law office, and memorial.
Little Big Horn, site of Custer's calamitous defeat by Sitting Bull, and Crazy Horse. Little Big Horn is one of two battlefields in the world where stones mark the fallen souls.
A pic of my Moto Guzzi atop Beartooth Pass in Wyoming at 11,000 feet.
My brace of 1860 Colt Army revolvers, both saw action in the Civil War, and are fun to shoot.