These pics are at the Little Big Horn Battlefield, one of 3 battlefields in the world where the dead are buried where they fell, site of General George Armstrong Custer's infamous last stand. He was homing winning a big fight with the Indians would get him the presidency in 1880. what it got him was dead, along with his 2 brothers, a nephew and a brother in law. 216 battlefield markers, out of around 650 men met 2000 Lakota, Dakota, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho warriors that day. i could talk for hours about that era. I love history.
Looking SW atop Last Stand Hill. Custer's marker has the black on it.
Reno's Valley Fight, gives an idea of the terrain.
Looking due South, Indian Encampment of 7500 Indians, 7 tribes, 7 different languages, 7 different cultures. Custer with his Crow Scouts were about 15 miles South, looking north in to this encampment. The Crow Scouts told Custer to "Look for the worms in the grass." The Crows were talking about the 18,000 to 20,000 pony herd the Indians required to support 7500 Indians.
1984, the 3 foot high terrain of scrub brush and prairie grass burned, archeology heaven. A 4th proximal metacarpal with wedding band was found.
4 markers in Horseholder Draw. Every 4th man would hold his horse and horses of 3 other soldiers who would fight the opponent. Markers are about 40 feet apart.
Crazy Horse-Keough Fight site.
Markers of 2 Indian Warriors.