Honda CB750 Sandcast

Best (rarest, most sought after) color for early sandcast restoration?

markb · 9 · 5889


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I'm trying to decide between red and blue/green for the color on my early sandcast 19 liter tank.  I am a long ways from needing it but I'm getting it derusted and at least primed to halt the deterioration but may go ahead and get it painted.  I've had a blue/green K0 since '75 and back then and until about 5 years ago it was the only color I knew.  So I have a gut feeling that the red wasn't as common.  If so, then red would up the value, desirablity?  Any opinions as to a prevalance of one color over the other, early vs. late?  Another factor is there is evidence that the original color was red and it may be desirable to keep everything as original as possible.  But I have a sentimental attachment to the blue/green and I have a set of perfect, original blue/green side covers that would go real nice on an early restore.  One more thing to ponder.  I was talking to Blake Conway (Vic World's painter) and he told me that for a while he did nothing but blue/green and lately its been all red.  Any opinions?
Mark B
1969 CB750 sandcast #97 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1969 CB750 sandcaxt #576 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1553 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1990 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #5383 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1970 CB750 K0 restored - Sold
2010 H-D Tri Glide Ultra Classic (Huh?)

Steve Swan

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i can tell you, back in early summer '69, when we told Art Olson of Olson Bros. Honda/Triumph in Sioux City, Iowa we wanted a Honda 750 Four, he told us he was "getting a red and a blue one" and the red one was already spoken for, so we reserved our order forthe remaining blue-green machine which turned out to be #4779.  i have always been of the understanding there were initially more blue-green bikes than red, but i don't know if that is actually true, because i suspect the red color was more of an eye grabber, so blue-green may have had less demand and sat a few seconds longer on the show room floor than the red bikes.........  The blue-green color was only produced from around Mar.69 through maybe Mar.70 and then never reproduced.  Some people say the 1975 GL1000 was the same color, but i do not believe this is true, i recall the hue to be different, more blue than green, if i recall correctly.  I love the flashiness of the red, but the blue-green is such a FANTASTIC color, the hue changes in the intensity of light.  If i had to choose between the two colors, it would be b-g.  it is nice to have 4363 b-g and 232 red, but for my 2157 rider i opted for b-g.  if you are convinced you know the original color of the bike to be red, it is probably a good idea to repaint same color, assuming you can provide pictorial evidence the original color is what you believe to be red.  just my 2 cents worth.......


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My only reason for suspecting it was red was the underneath side of the tank looked like the original red.  The rest had been repainted.
Mark B
1969 CB750 sandcast #97 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1969 CB750 sandcaxt #576 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1553 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1990 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #5383 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1970 CB750 K0 restored - Sold
2010 H-D Tri Glide Ultra Classic (Huh?)

Steve Swan

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Given your tank is a 19 litre, seems quite unlikely the 19 litre tank was never replaced.  Considering the underside is red, it seems safe to deduce red is original color.......


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          I would keep with the original color (red) considering the under side of the tank is red and the tank is believed to be original to the bike. Marty K.


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If the tank is original to the bike I would go with the red. If not, and you don't know what color the original bike was then it's personal preference. I would still go with red if for no other reason than red bikes just go faster!  ;)


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I forgot about the red ones being faster.   :D  After all the input I'm definately leaning towards keeping it red.  It might be interesting to list the color in the Registry or VIN Directory along with the VIN to get an idea of which color is more predominant.
Mark B
1969 CB750 sandcast #97 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1969 CB750 sandcaxt #576 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1553 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1990 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #5383 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1970 CB750 K0 restored - Sold
2010 H-D Tri Glide Ultra Classic (Huh?)

Joe K

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I second that idea of putting the color of the bike along with the vin to see how many b-g vs. reds there are.  As for speed, I have a candy blue/green with a ported head, so blue/green is faster!!!


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I agree with Steve.

For a restoration is good to confirm the same colour, but for the "heart" i retain the b/g the best colour, never used in the production after 1970.

With the b/g the bike changes with shine, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, you've as 3 different colour bikes.

Your Italian friend.
737/940 Restored
1081/1362 Preserved
1256/665 Restored - ex Owner: Chris R.
10253/10315 (K0) Next project
1969 - Kawasaki H1 Mach III low ign cover - Restored
1969 - Kawasaki H1 Mach III high ign cover - Restored
1971 - Kawasaki H1A - Restored
1973 - Kawasaki H1D - Preserved
1973 - Kawasaki Z1 Blackhead - Restored
1971 - Norton Commando SS - Preserved
1978 - Honda CBX - Unmolested Museum Quality
1988 - Honda CB 400SS - Unmolested
1997 - BMW R80 GS Basic - blue frame - Museum Quality
2007 - BMW HP2 Megamoto - blue frame - New