Has anyone spotted something different here. Now fellas this is important and it relates to the underside of the cam cover. We saw the cam cover from Mark's engine and it's something I've never seen, now we have Wayne's cam cover which looks similar to most others. Well I have 2 covers (later) that are different again. I'll post photos of these on the weekend.
The point is that posting of these pictures by Wayne and Mark is revealing some significant finds for us and is giving us insights to changes that we may never have been aware of.
Fellow sandcast owners, If you can access your cam covers for diecast as well as sandcast PLEASE take a picture of the underside and either post them here or send to Steve or myself as this is of interest to us.
The second item of interest relates to the camshaft holders. Have a look at the holder Mark has pictured and then look at the holder Wayne has pictured. They are a different casting. Note the flat top section of Mark's and the rounded top section of Wayne's. Really interesting.
That makes 90 differences I believe.