Encountered a bit of a problem with the side stand on this old girl. Seems it was bent/broken and the tab was not welded back into place correctly.
As you can see, stick weld was used and a huge gap was filled at the rear leaving the tab at the wrong angle:

And from the front side:

After checking on a couple of pics from other members frames I decided to cut my tab off and see what we have. What we found is, the reinforcement plate had torn up from the rear and forward and that's basically about where it was welded back into place!
When we ground away the weld and tapped the old plate back into place we felt we could pretty well tell where the tab should be positioned. A few marks on the frame and the cutter came out again. We tack welded om a new reinforcement plate and tried to position the tab using the measurements we had taken earlier. We know we are on the money in the fore-aft position. The question is have we got it right as it rolls around the frame? I think we're close but it's difficult without another bike to compare to. Any input is appreciated. I'm also just going to tack weld it and put the wheels beck on to see how it sits. Mu biggest concern is when in the upright position the stand rests on a rubber stopper I believe. If I miss that I might be in a bit of a jam.

From the rear tacked in place:

Another angle:

Stand in downposition:

Stand in up position:

Shown following frame in upright position: