I'm just going to run with it Mark. I knew the fore - aft position to be correct just needed that magic angle. Thanks! I put a stand on and it measured the same as yours when up and pretty well followed the frame lines. If it is out, I'm hoping it's marginal. So, while I wait to send the frame out for blasting and paint I have been working away on the motor.
A couple of the main brgs looked "iffy" to me. I don't like when they are shiny on the back side and in these cases the size information was worn off. Could indicate the brg. moving a bit. A couple of the faces are slightly galled, not badly but galled non the less. I didn't even bother to plastigauge them. For $144.00 Canuck Bucks she gets new mains.
I couldn't find the markings on my crank so I mic'd it. All of the main journals fell within 35.99 - 35.995 mm.
So that makes my journals what looks like the Japanese equals sign in the manual chart. (
= )
My case is marked B A A B A
So starting at the timing side the table would give me this selection of main bearings:
Green - Yellow - Yellow - Green - Yellow
Easy once you get your head around it. Also, I learned that all bearings, regardless of color are marked "STD". That really threw me off as I'm used to undersized bearings be marked as such.
I popped the rod cap's off for a peek and they look as smooth and shiny as new. I'll just platigauge them and re-use if within spec.
I decided to go with all new tensioners as well as chains. Figured I have the money fire going now I might as well really get it stoked!