Honda CB750 Sandcast


gane · 7 · 2831


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As long as it's not a Fairly Tale!  ;)


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OK,  Fairy Tales all start out "once upon a time".  & Sea stories "Now this ain't no shit". This is neither,  just the story of my Sand cast. which you may or not believe/or find entertaining... In the summer of 1983 a much younger Gane was working as Parts Mgr in a long since defuct Honda dealership when a gent came in complaining of a "bottom end rattle" in a rather "rough" 1970 CB750. The Service Mgr. ( a close friend to this day ) attempted to explain that the rattle was a combination of primary chain & clutch noise which were "charactaristic" to the  beast & nothing to be concerned about.... Apparently this didn't appease the gent, & He went "up front" to see what kind of trade -in the shop would offer. It must not have been much, As the Service manager "Andy" Wound up with the bike & title. Fast forward a couple years, "Andy" is offered a position w HONDA  & has to move to Gardena for "training & position as "tech ref". & sells me a "Dead" Dodge van & its contents... Forgive, but I've no recall of the amount but it was "minimal" I was an aptmnt dweller at at the time & parked the van at my parents place until they started making "threats".... a starter & head gasket  (no fun) finally made the "highway star" sell able, & I did. & "broke even"... Inside  the van was a hodge podge of parts, & "most" of what is now the 1400.   Like most, I knew that a "rough cast" 750 eng. was worth holding on to, but figured a '70 titled bike was "simply early" & nothing special. As a result, as the notion struck me, I "pieced together"  the bike with whatever I had at hand ,& rode. Now. some 26+  year s  later I realize this machine has "intrensic value" & that over the years, I've "pulled numerous "boners". The most notable, "buying a "flat seat" (cause it fit), & hardware was right, & swapping fork s because I couldn't find correct seals. & the rust was beyond salvage. Because I was "ignorant" I focused my "parts searches with parts which were "period correct" rather than "true", As a result, my "scattered bike " is probly worth less than most " garage finds" . where the parts were "correct if "wasted". Still, knowledge is a tool.".. I've no plans to "show" this bike, or even to sell..It's like family.   My  "quest for this year was to achive proper paint. Unfortunatly "wrinlkle" tanks seem to be scarce, & THE 2 tanks I'd thought might qualify are dudds. STILL. I have an "honest" sandcast  frame & engine.  airbox is two hole w/out conture. exhaust  is 3 '300  & # 4 un stamped. anyone with a  salvagable wrinkle tank and or a 300# 4 pipe pls PM me, My object is not for "concourse"bike. Just a "consistant" period piece. I ride  this  bike..Abettt 4-500 miles a year,  my story is basicly one of neglect & ignorance,  still, I have good intentions, & hope that this winter I'll have the time & funds to have a much more "presentable" bike. as usual G


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That's a good story and I like it. Please send me a photo of your airbox Gane as I like to keep records of when items changed. Only need a photo of the top half.
Yamiya do reproduction wrinkle tanks. Yes around $700 but by the time you buy a used tank and get it ready for painting you've outlayed nearly that already. The Yamiya tanks are near perfect KP
Yabba Dabba KP


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KP, Thanks for "up" was un-aware Yamiya offered repro tanks,  Am 'watching " a "un-bidded" proper tank at $250.00  w/serious dents, & have no "inside line" on a bodyman capable/willing  to take on such a project. Am guessing that after body work/ paint & repairs to present "bits",  Painted "cosmetic's will tally to  over a "grand" easily.. WHEW, It looks like this project may take longer than I thought. Ach, no matter, As long as there's a "dream", there's a reason to "strive". Thanks, G