Thanks for the link KP. Just want to bring a couple of observations to the table. Pic's attached.
My original pump has a very gray appearance vs a brighter aluminum appearance on the first replacement pump I bought and the ones that are now on Ebay. (camera flash???) Type of oil used?? haha that reminds me. Back in the 80's we started selling a
Red Synthetic Oil. I can't remember the name but I think the company was out of Great Britain. 576 got that oil from there on and still had it in the tank when I got it! sorry, sidetracked!
Also, there has been little or no attempt to clean up the casting flash and parting lines on the 576 pump. All others I have seen so far have witness marks from a grinder, sander, files, whatever they used. Also, the end cap does not have a protruded centre nor does it have a number stamped in it. These are just observations for the group.
Bottom line is I won't be comfortable starting 576 up with her original heart unless I can figure out what is wrong with it. I did put a new seal in the body. Wonder if i nicked the bore or if there's a piece of crap I missed behind the seal.

I'll bet VW has a nice pump sitting on a shelf somewhere I would like to get my hands on!
First 2 pic's original 576 pump. Second 2, pump KP posted.