More pictures of the strip down
Short plastic chain guard, it is all there, in dirty but good condition, luckily as reproduction ones are almost £200
originals very hard to come by

Front brake all in good condition, just a bit of fading to the anodised parts

the original no 8 bolts in great condition, they will clean up nicely so a few less to zinc plate

Coils looking a bit worse for wear but considering the bike ticked over like a swiss watch at only 800 rpm, and reved cleanly from there upwards means to me they are worth keeping and restoring

Original airbox, looks to be repairable , although i do have a nice new LPM one which i might use

More of those lovely no 8 bolts, i think they were only on the pre K1 models

Rear indicators and mountings , amazing condition, perfectly usable, just need to paint the brackets

Carbs with the 4 seperate cables, apparently a bit awkward to set up properly,, but all there and working good

Surprisingly all the electrics worked faultlessly, but i will have my work cut out restoring this lot

Swing arm a bit of rust , but structuraly sound

Swing arm bearings are metal in this one, and were a real pig to get out

Front forks , need total overhaul, the chrome is good , but strangely Honda chose to only chrome the area of travel, the rest is bare steel so it goes rusty

Fork internals, had a right job getting one of the retaining circlips out, also they had a mix of water and very smelly discoloured oil in them

Engine out, i opted for the easy way lay the frame on its side and remove bolts and lift away from engine,
the engine is bit oily but it ran really sweet with no smoke, all the fins are in tact, but it leaks oil from the head quite badly, this will have a total strip paint and be fully reconditioned

Frame had some rust but mostly surface, just a couple of pin holes in lower tube, which i enlarged out till i was back into sound metal, then i welded them shut and ground it down and sanded smooth