Honda CB750 Sandcast

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Messages - Wayne

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Links to Auctions and Classifieds / Wrinkle Tank For Sale
« on: November 21, 2020, 10:36:44 am »
Saw this in the Facebook group shown at the top of the pic if anyone needs a tank. It’s not mine so please don’t message me.

General Discussion / Re: Vin numbers
« on: August 07, 2020, 09:06:59 am »
The directory is only as accurate as the information provided, even then typos happen. I often asked for pictures of the frame and engine VIN’s to ensure the accuracy of the directory. If you can validate the change I’m sure Sam will make the appropriate change in the directory. 


Sold. 15,250.00. I find the wording on this auction creative to say the least. I guess it could lead someone believe there was less than 2 K miles on this bike. As KP has pointed out, if that’s the case, why so many non original parts? I think the answer lies in looking at the speedo itself and the wording. “A  five digit odometer showing under 2 K miles”. To me it’s clear the speedo is a replacement or rebuilt and is probably the only thing on the bike that has under 2 K miles on it.  ;)

Can you post a link for us?

Everything K0 / Re: Changes on K0
« on: May 08, 2020, 08:56:43 am »
Nice early diecast frame on Facebook group. Price is a bit hefty imho but I guess if you need one bad enough...

General Discussion / Re: Early Canadian Racing Footage
« on: April 22, 2020, 11:56:53 am »
Did anyone notice the green dot when the guy was adjusting his carb? I thought they were only found on some engine cases?

General Discussion / Re: Early Canadian Racing Footage
« on: April 22, 2020, 11:44:00 am »
Nelson Motorsport bike.

General Discussion / Early Canadian Racing Footage
« on: April 22, 2020, 11:39:14 am »
A friend who’s Father owned Nelson Motosports here in Canada shared this video with me. His father’s bike is number 94 ridden by Mike Duff. Pretty cool look at some early racers.

Everything K0 / Re: 1969 Diecast/ K0 restoration
« on: January 03, 2020, 11:00:54 am »
Thanks for the thread, I enjoyed it and am always on the lookout for new to me information. I've had some luck with google photos and moving them using a thread on the open forum stickies.

Don. The reason I set up the coppermine gallery for restoration threads or members who want to post a lot of images is we don’t want to lose that valuable information. When images are hosted remotely often what happens is users will close the image account or delete photos and we wind up with a big blank image in our threads. Keeping images on our servers mitigates that risk.

Everything K0 / Re: 1969 Diecast/ K0 restoration
« on: January 03, 2020, 10:51:29 am »
Hi, i still have the project, not much really happening to it, i cant carry on the restoration thread on here as i am locked out of the coppermine image hosting site, and it appears to be no way back in to it

Pete. I’ve checked your profile on coppermine. All seemed fine. Others are able to log in. I’ve sent you a private message with your login and password change.

Web Site Changes / Re: Forum Upgrades!
« on: October 03, 2019, 11:12:00 am »
Sam. The new format looks great! Nice job! I was checking in during that ever so long update process. Like I said, I figured it would take a while but we must have had startlogic's MySQL Server smoking!  ;D ;D Thanks to everyone for the accolades and support over the years. It was fun and a pleasure getting to know some good people on this board. I wish Sam and the members all the best with the site. I have passed off my work in progress, my vision for the site to Sam and I'm here any time should he want to bounce  something off me. He's taken on a beast, a huge vault of information. I'm confident he'll get it into a format that will take the site to the next level. Cheers

Links to Auctions and Classifieds / Re: Sandcast Cases - Dameged
« on: August 30, 2019, 09:28:08 am »
Well at least we got a sandy related post out of it. I’ve been watching. A very quiet few days went by.  ;D

Parts For Sale / Cylinder Head For Sale
« on: August 09, 2019, 08:38:49 am »
I received an email from a chap who found this head left after selling off his parts. He believes it came off his 69. If you’re interested email me at and I’ll hook you up with the seller.

The very first post is no longer there as far as I can see/find. This all began when I was sent a photo of a bike that looked to have a sandcast engine (by who is but a distant memory). There were several photos sent by a member (I cannot remember) but were not enough to confirm the existence of such a bike. I do recall sending an email to a person in France to see if further information could be found. I do remember (I think) Chris Ruston being part of the discussion and it was thought that Chris may be able to arrange a visit to the owner if he was able. This was all pre November 2011 and I can say unequivocally there was a lot of doubt expressed at the time. The only reference we can see is the post on November 3 by philcad750 that sheds some light on this but there was a lot of discussion pre this post.
The "French Sandcast" category had not been begun at this time as there was very little info available Maybe Wayne can restore the gallery photos and original posts from the time. Maybe all this original info is retained in the archives of earlier forum postings. I think it was advanced by Phil and Gerard some time later and their efforts were instrumental in getting some serious discussion started on this topic The rest is more or less what we now have. I think Chris R can shed more light on this question Steve. My memory is not so clear that I can attest to the accuracy of all I've posted here.

I have never deleted any posts or threads that had valuable information, only ad related posts or spam. Our old Gallery had a vulnerability and was compromised more than once. I had to remove it or our host, StartLogic was going to disable our account as we use shared server space. I went through my archives and did find my backup...and these French Sandcast photos I backed up in 2016. I assume they were added to the gallery at an earlier date.

General Discussion / Re: Sandcast Price Trends
« on: June 19, 2019, 12:53:11 pm »
Didn’t you have a spreadsheet of sales as you came across them mark? Running a trend line by price and date would be interesting.

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