Honda CB750 Sandcast

Buy and Sell => Parts Wanted => Topic started by: Sgt.Pinback on February 25, 2015, 06:44:14 am

Title: wanted: CB750 KO seat, may trade
Post by: Sgt.Pinback on February 25, 2015, 06:44:14 am
Looking for a good, genuine (No repro,no new Yamiya etc. stuff) KO seat.

To be shipped to Germany.

May trade with a good early KO ignition switch and/or NOS/NIB K1 tachometer

Title: Re: wanted: CB750 KO seat, may trade
Post by: CBman on February 25, 2015, 01:46:19 pm
Good original K0 seat is like fortune today. Hard to say, if anybody will swap it for these parts.
Title: Re: wanted: CB750 KO seat, may trade
Post by: Sgt.Pinback on February 25, 2015, 03:55:02 pm
I dont necessarily want to swap.

 Would pay a good price for a seat.

And I will not sell the ignition switch.