Honda CB750 Sandcast
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: kp on April 10, 2019, 02:56:54 am
I've seen an article written by Vic on how he refinishes his alloy pieces but I canna find it Anyone point me to the correct place Thanks
while this will not be helpful, a few years ago, i had an hour long conversation with Vic about his prep work before applying a coating. the only thing that stands out from that convo was the substance he uses to clean the aluminium pores contaminated with polishing compound is noxious, and requires use of a good face mask and good ventilation.
Here is the link to the topic on Vic's process, but it only outlines the process vaguely in the photos.,1259.0.html (,1259.0.html)
I doubt this is what you are looking for as not much detail in this article.
I wonder what the chemical is as getting polish residue out is a real issue especially with re-anodising
Thanks Dwayne. I think that's the article
The best I could find is Alodine 1000/1001 but it contains chromic acid which is pretty nasty stuff. ( (please scroll down to Page 30 and further)
There is no suggestion that this is what Vic uses but I would imagine it would work very well.
Personally I just thoroughly cleaned the alloy with acetone after 'satinizing' the surface and then used Eastwood Diamond Clear ( as suggested by MarkB)
Not that this coating is ideal but the best non-nasty method for the amateur.
I should have asked Vic about this at the David Silver CB750 event last year when he looked at and positively identified, the pair of PP carbs I had. I must say what a lovely decent 'chap' he is when you meet him face to face.