Honda CB750 Sandcast

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: kp on September 11, 2021, 04:42:37 pm

Title: FRAME and ENGINE NUMBERS - Correct Honda Font
Post by: kp on September 11, 2021, 04:42:37 pm
I read on another site two posts of significance. The first post was by a fellow enthusiast who had a sandcast for sale and there was a claim the frame number was fake. The second post related to a guy who bought a sandcast only to find out the frame was restamped.
This is probably the most important are of sandcast ownership yet we have not referenced the topic enough IMHO
Anyway, this did get me curious so I searched the site and there is no specific reference/topic to correct Honda fonts. Sure there are references and discussion but no real single topic with lots of detail etc. For example, just because a stamping is out of alignment doesn't make it fake. Such variations are normal and I believe we need to have such reference documented, as well as engine fonts. There is also reference to the errors made during factory stampings so would be an obvious area to locate photos etc of this as well
So how about members provide photos of what they have and maybe Sam, can I ask you to set up a reference topic thread similar to the 88 Distinctions topic
I have a number of photo references of frame and engine numbers to contribute so others would be most welcomed. Not sure how we collect these photos so maybe Wayne and Sam have some suggestions
Title: Re: FRAME and ENGINE NUMBERS - Correct Honda Font
Post by: Wayne on September 12, 2021, 10:38:20 am
KP I think that’s a great idea! If you remember I did start a thread where we vetted ViN’s before adding them to the directory. I had ideas of taking that further and having a link from the directory to the VIN images and perhaps even the bike itself. This is the thread im talking about.,58.0.html

Also, I found this while browsing around.
Title: Re: FRAME and ENGINE NUMBERS - Correct Honda Font
Post by: Prospect on October 23, 2021, 09:54:11 pm
Let's get some traction on this thread.  From personal observation the font during the sandcast production did not change.  I may venture and say that the font throughout the entire production did not change and it seems to be the same for the frame as well as the cases. The "B" and "9" are odd shape in the entire series.  The vertical line on the B does not touch the top of the horizontal line and the 9 looks like a musical note upside down.  A good way to tell a restamp is to look at the B and see if it it matches. 
Title: Re: FRAME and ENGINE NUMBERS - Correct Honda Font
Post by: kp on October 23, 2021, 11:02:38 pm
The fonts hadn't changed up to 1988 Here is my RC30 and the frame number Still the same