Honda CB750 Sandcast

Buy and Sell => Parts Wanted => Topic started by: vnz00 on June 30, 2011, 04:48:47 am

Title: WTB Sandcast Frame 1900 to 2500 or Trade Eng #2189 for Matching Frame/Engine
Post by: vnz00 on June 30, 2011, 04:48:47 am
I got the correct engine number from Bob today - so a minor re-edit....

Im trying to help out my friend Bob - fellow sandcast restorer.  He is after a Sandcast frame in the 1900-2500 range to match his #2189 sandcast engine.  Or he would also consider a deal swapping his fully reconditioned #2189 engine for a good matching set of Sandcast Frame/Engine or partial bike.  His engine work is top notch and uses the machine shops with the best reputation local to us.

If you want more information pls contact me and I can organise photos etc.
