Honda CB750 Sandcast

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Messages - BobAndren

Pages: 1
New Member Introductions / Re: Battery?
« on: August 03, 2020, 06:05:07 pm »
Can anyone tell me the exact make and model of a maintenance free battery that fits in the battery box?  Sort of the equivalent to "what's in your wallet"

New Member Introductions / Battery?
« on: August 02, 2020, 07:31:38 pm »
Hi Again, I forgot to ask what battery should I get for my Sandcast?  The parts book says Yuasa B64-12 but evidently that's no longer made.  I do want an AGM battery but I don't care if it's a Yuasa.  What are people using now?  Thanks, Bob Andren

New Member Introductions / Tank badge attachment
« on: August 02, 2020, 07:21:02 pm »
Hello Folks,  There is light now at the end of the tunnel with my restoration.  The other day, I completed the the rewiring and hooked up a battery to test the various components.  Amazingly, everything worked perfectly - headlight, tail light, blinkers, warning lights, horn, etc.  Very satisfying!  So now I'm preparing the new gas tank, bought from Yamiya.  It's beautiful.  I unwrapped my new badges and the pins lined up perfectly with the holes in those "straps" which are part of the tank sides.  The parts book shows that some type of speed nut goes onto the pins, but I don't see how.  Do those "straps come off.  Are their some screws there hidden by the paint?  Or am I supposed to epoxy/glue or use 3M double sided trim tape to hold the badges on?  Bob Andren

New Member Introductions / Cable routing
« on: June 30, 2020, 06:38:23 pm »
Hi Folks,  While not as contentious as the upcoming elections, there are nonetheless differences of opinion as to proper cable routing.. As my sandcast was  pretty decrepit  when I got it and no doubt, cables had been replaced over its 50 year life, I would not trust that the routing of various cables was correct.  So let's start with the throttle cable.  I believe that it stays on the right side of the frame until passing underneath the tank (correct me at any time here).  Now, does it pass to the outside of the headlight mounting "ear" or the inside?  Or does it pass down the large "hole" in the top triple clamp?  If it passes down inside of the headlamp "ear", does it then go over and behind the horn bracket or ?  If it does, does it pass through the (sort of) triangular opening formed on the right side by the right frame downtube and the braces behind the steering head?  If the cable passes down through the hole in the top triple tree, where does it go next?  In either case we are now getting close to the junction "box" where one cable becomes four cables.  Does the junction box  (sort of, again) rest on the valve cover or are the cables routed slightly up through another triangular opening formed by the bracing pieces between the three frame tubes that head back toward the seat area? I 'd think that this would allow a gentler curve of the individual cables going to the carbs.   Now, for the clutch cable (certainly less complicated).  Where does the cable first pass after leaving the vicinity of the clutch lever - down through the aforementioned hole in the top triple clamp or between the triple clamp and the headlamp shell or ?  .  Then I have a couple of photos showing that it passes inside of the front (upper) engine mounting plate, coming down between the #1 and #2 exhaust pipe, then heading back to enter the area under the clutch cover.  Is that correct?  Are there any cable guides involved along the way.  I didn't see any.  Thanks again for your input.  Bob

New Member Introductions / Oil filter cover/case
« on: June 28, 2020, 07:42:48 pm »
Hello folks (again), I've another question related to my sandcast restoration.  It was (gratefully) pointed out to me that my bike, as I found it, had the wrong (finned) oil filter cover/case .   Fortunately , Yamiya offers the  a correct repro . That just arrived and I note that the casting is really rough.  I thought that it would be nice and smooth and shiney but this is far from that. Is it supposed to be a pretty rough casting?  I find it hard to imagine that Yamiya would sell it that way if it was supposed to be smooth as the parts that I've bought from them have been very good to date.  Bob Andren

New Member Introductions / Headlight shell grommet?
« on: June 25, 2020, 08:38:46 pm »
Quick question.  Is there a large grommet where the wiring harness enters the headlamp shell?  I don't see one in the parts book but it seems to me that most bikes have one there.

New Member Introductions / Seat latch question
« on: June 18, 2020, 03:49:49 pm »
Hello folks,  Is the seat latch for the sandcast the same as for the die-cast '69 models .  My bike came without a latch (assembly) and the seat without a the latch hook.  I see that Silver has a repro latch assembly but no latch hook for sale.  i'm hoping that JT Marks has the hook.  Bob Andren

New Member Introductions / Carburetor setup
« on: June 07, 2020, 04:24:40 pm »
Hello Folks, I guess that I'd classify as a new member as having only visited the site about 7 years ago to verify that the CB750 I was about to buy was indeed a '69 sandcast model.  Indeed it was and the bike, a total mess,  was put in the restoration queue. Two years ago, it had moved close to the front so I pulled (or rather dropped) the motor and sent it up to Vic World to work his magic. I might add that the machine is in SoCal, where I spend the Winter/Spring months so I only get 6 months per year to work on the projects out here. The rest of the year is spent in Rhode Island, where another set of bike projects are to be found.  Anyway, the motor returned last "season" and by then, I'd disassembled the rest of the bike and sent various parts out for painting, powder coating, plating, polishing, etc plus ordered up numerous needed parts.  Normally, we'd be back in RI by now but Mr Covid has made the prospect of travel somewhat unpleasant still so we're still in SoCal.  This, however, has allowed me to begin the enjoyable process of re-assembling the motorcycle (with nice clean, shiny refurbished or new parts).  The bike sits now as a rolling chassis.  The carb bodies are assembled and mounted as a bank on that long bracket , with the chokes connected.  Now, I want to set the throttle stop screws.  The workshop manual says the following: "Adjust the throttle stop screw to align the "T" mark to the index mark stamped on the carburetor body. Perform adjustment on all carburetors."  That's all well and good but one can align the marks every revolution of the throttle stop screw. Can someone clarify this for me. Also, another question.  I've found just about all of the parts I've needed from JT Marks, David Silver, or Yamiya.  Are there other parts sources that I should be aware of?    Thanks, Bob Andren

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