Honda CB750 Sandcast

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Messages - landing007

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Re: Bike from Japan
« on: February 18, 2010, 07:50:10 pm »
To Vnz

I seem to remember the speed light - as I remember the speed light was mounted between the tack and speedo. I don't have any info on how that worked or any doc to say how it was connected. I have long since removed that light and now have an oil pressure gage mounted in that spot. I believe the light would light for any speed over 60K and it was red in color. All the GI's use to remove that light as the first modification and I'm sure mine is long gone...

As far as the foot bar, I converted mine 20 years ago to the spring loaded units. Unfortunately those part were trashed - I remember the foot pegs were just solid mounted units bolted to the frame.

My Jap 69 is inbetween stock and cafe. I have another 69 that will be restored completely stock. I'll be working on that project later this winter. I can send some pictures after I get the Jap 69 completed. I'm rebuilding the carbs now and it should be ready to start after.


General Discussion / Re: Bike from Japan
« on: February 18, 2010, 07:49:09 pm »
My Japan purchased bike is not a sandcast as the serial no is way too high. My other 69 has a lower serial no but it too is not a sandcast. I don't know what models were being sold in Japan maybe the early units were sold to the US and else where outside of Japan and that's why we have tons of sandcast mc's here in the US.

Just a guess on my part

General Discussion / Bike from Japan
« on: February 18, 2010, 07:48:03 pm »
Hi all;

My Honda I bought while in the Military in Japan. It's a 69 and the frame number is CB750-1015966. I know it's not a sandcast but it did come with the wrinkle tank and recest key. The speedo is in Khm, the horn is mounted on the left and the frame number is also stamped into the frame on the left, there is no Vin plate mounted on the right. I have two more hondas another 69 and one 72 both basket cases at this time. I shipped my bike back to the US when I left Japan and I'm wondering if anyone else out there has done the same.


Pages: 1