Honda CB750 Sandcast

A guide to parts differences?

Don R · 9 · 2193

Don R

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 Is there such a thing? For example, how to identify the difference between a sandcast dyno cover and a newer dyno cover. Or a proper sandcast bike's master cylinder vs a newer one.


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That's a great question but not so easy to answer. Did you know there are actually 2 different 9 hole clutch covers but without pictures it's very difficult to describe the differences. Given most of us don't have both makes it so much harder to get the correct information published. I have recently retired so as a project I intend trying to get actual pictures of some of these parts so everybody is able to know what is what and hopefully allow members to distinguish each variation. Some work has been published but this was done many years ago and may not be accurate. I do know the air-box published material is accurate.
I do know other members have agree to be involved in this project and I think with this collective knowledge and cooperation we can knock this task over.
Yabba Dabba KP

Steve Swan

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Yeah But now I have to listen to her 24/7  ;D
Yabba Dabba KP

Don R

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 I have 5511 and would share some pictures. It's very correct as far as I know except for the chromed parts.

Steve Swan

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couple of considerations on this topic.  if i think i understand your idea (a very good one) correctly....   have pics of parts from original bikes to compare/contrast w/ pics of later production parts that were not fitted on a bike on assembly line, were intended as retail replacement parts ?

1.  we'd need to have pictures taken of many different parts AFTER we had the parts.  
2.  not many of us have that many parts, especially the replacement parts, we  try to avoid using new production oem, unless an original part is so trashed it has to be replaced.  (how would a replacement part be verified as a replacement part, unless it was new in box ?)
3.  can have a few vins apart and see two different parts.  or see one part on an earlier vin, then a different part on a little later and then the same part as used the earlier vin.
4.  big job.  that's why KP retired.  

if you are talking differences in parts between vins, that's another idea we visited a few years ago.  myself and KP put in quite a few pictures in the website with descriptions of parts that are still there for viewing/reading.  another mammoth job.  2005, i asked for help, members to send it pictures of parts so i could continue the project.  only KP came forward and he only had one sandcast at the time.  no one else came forward and as i've always said in the past, the contents of the website are only as good as member participation.

Don, take pictures and send them to Wayne.  when we migrate to the new website, he'll know what to do with them.


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Well, hopefully he will Steve! ;) Things have slowed a bit with summer here. VIN directory is 99% complete. I guess the next task, and yes it is a mammoth one is the Technical section. We will identify changes/distinctions, have descriptions, part number changes if they exist and VIN breakpoint as we identify them for a specific part change. I started a model at the link below. If you hold off on the pic's we'll knock these off one at a time. I'll then solicit members and SME's for pictures and verbiage. Should be fun! :)

Don R

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 I own 5511 and would be happy to assist with pictures or descriptions of my parts. I'm reasonably sure most of my Honda is original. It still needs a stock exhaust, they didn't last long around here.