Honda CB750 Sandcast

Hello from Brighton, UK - diecast 1036774


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Hi - new to the forum and will be starting restoration of my '70 diecast 1036774 in a few months.

Also hoping to join the sandcast fraternity shortly once I've 'thinned the herd' a bit and have enough pennies saved to buy one.

Looking forward to contributing to the forum (somehow). if anyone is in the process of / thinking of selling their sandcast please feel free to PM me.




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Hi James,

Am not far from you, just up the road near Horsham. As the owner of both a Sandcast and a K6, both brought back to the UK from Latin America, I would be interested to know whether you are intending to perform the restoration of your die cast yourself or do you plan to let someone else wield the spanners (sorry, wrenches for our cousins across the Atlantic!). Both my bikes have been sat in storage, along with many others, since being shipped a couple of years ago and I am waking up to the realisation that I may never have the time (and almost certainly not the technical capability) to perform all of the resto works myself - so if you know of a reliable mechanic in the Sussex area who I could entrust my Honda's to, please let me know!!

Good luck with the restoration - presume you will be in the future, if not already, an impoverished customer of David Silver!!??




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Hi Richard,

Thanks for the message. Yes, already a DSS customer for many years & wouldn't like to guess the £££ I've spent with him. And he still wont give me a discount :-)..

In terms of local mechanics it really depends on what you need doing. I'd be wary of entrusting a Sandcast to anyone outside of my immediate control to be honest.

Maybe give me acall to have a chat at some point - I'll pm you my number.


Hi James,

Am not far from you, just up the road near Horsham. As the owner of both a Sandcast and a K6, both brought back to the UK from Latin America, I would be interested to know whether you are intending to perform the restoration of your die cast yourself or do you plan to let someone else wield the spanners (sorry, wrenches for our cousins across the Atlantic!). Both my bikes have been sat in storage, along with many others, since being shipped a couple of years ago and I am waking up to the realisation that I may never have the time (and almost certainly not the technical capability) to perform all of the resto works myself - so if you know of a reliable mechanic in the Sussex area who I could entrust my Honda's to, please let me know!!

Good luck with the restoration - presume you will be in the future, if not already, an impoverished customer of David Silver!!??

