Honda CB750 Sandcast


kp · 3 · 1193


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It's amazing that E7414 has been found given it is documented as the last of the sandcast engines. Many will not agree with me on this but to my mind the most amazing find has been the French sandcast engined bikes that have surfaced. It destroys the the idea that 7414 was the last sandcast engined CB750. This is not to detract from the historically documented information re E7414 in any way, but equally the french sandcast stands out for me as being the most amazing history so far to surface on these engines. Happy for discussion and disagreement
Yabba Dabba KP

Steve Swan

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would love to know frame number E7414 left factory with.

would be wonderful to know more specific history of origin of the French sandcasts.

i would say E7414 is a historically significant vin from standpoint of Honda recognizing E7414 as the end of the sandcast Evins.

i would say the French sandcasts throw a mysterious curve ball at E7414 being the "last" "official" factory sandcast Evin.  The French sandcasts are truly mystery motorcycles.  We know they are sandcasts.  What we don't know is the circumstances by which they came to be the vins they are, more than 7,000 vins after E7414.  It seems safe to assume these French sandcasts, came directly from the factory. 


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On point I forgot to include in my post is that there should be no reason we cannot accept a change in the records. Historians and academics are doing it all the time. Nevertheless the romantic side of me wants to stick with 7414 but the realistic side of me sees an anomaly with the records as the french sandcasts are the contradiction
Yabba Dabba KP