Honda CB750 Sandcast

Lotus Root NO.NO EARLY

Riccardo · 25 · 12482


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Hi to All,

i'm searching for 1 set of Early Lotus Root, original or Jamiya REPRO.

I've also contacted Yamiya but they say me that, now, there's not a subscription for the EARLYS production.

If anyone find the EARLYS, we all togheter can create a new subscription list or inquery direct to Yamiya to push to start a new lot production.

We can do it togheter.

Anyone who hav a set? new, repro, used, restorable? Or know where I can get a set?
Please mail

Sorry for my english.

Many thanks
Your Italian friend.
737/940 Restored
1081/1362 Preserved
1256/665 Restored - ex Owner: Chris R.
10253/10315 (K0) Next project
1969 - Kawasaki H1 Mach III low ign cover - Restored
1969 - Kawasaki H1 Mach III high ign cover - Restored
1971 - Kawasaki H1A - Restored
1973 - Kawasaki H1D - Preserved
1973 - Kawasaki Z1 Blackhead - Restored
1971 - Norton Commando SS - Preserved
1978 - Honda CBX - Unmolested Museum Quality
1988 - Honda CB 400SS - Unmolested
1997 - BMW R80 GS Basic - blue frame - Museum Quality
2007 - BMW HP2 Megamoto - blue frame - New


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i too are looking for a set. Have you asked yamiya how many oreder they must have for making a batch?

Steve Swan

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1. Yamiya started talking around 2003 there would be Lotus Root exhaust produced. (btw, the exhaust are called 'lotus root' because the diffuser resembles the root of the lotus plant.)

2. At the time, i was passionately attempting to make contact with different Japanese people of industry to learn more of the history of the sandcast. What I turned up was Japanese producing parts out of private shops that spoke little to no English (e.g., Nishimatsu, Yamiya.)

3. Yamiya was not even sure if or how many lotus roots they would produce. Yamiya asked me to ask SOOC members if they were interested, so i sent out email to everyone i knew. At least 20 SOOC members were on "the list" to Yamiya.

4. It took from 2003 until 2006 for Yamiya to produce the lotus roots. I know for a fact, Yamiya was reluctant to produce the lotus roots because they feared the diffuser would easily come out during operation and injure or damage persons/property. The exhaust were shipped with a disclaimer relieving Yamiya of any liabiity. For those who have seen a diffuser from the lotus root muffler, they are heavy and (big.) IF the 6mm hex screw did loosen and fall out, then allowing the diffuser to fall out, it COULD potentially cause harm/damage.

5. Yamiya ultimately made 50 sets of lotus roots. When they received the lotus roots, Katsuya Oe, told me there would be no more. The 50 sets were a one time production run. I really tried to impress this on member's brains, this could possibly be an opportunity of a lifetime, to own a new set of lotus roots.

6. Now, i have NO WAY of knowing IF Yamiya could be persuaded to make more. MAYBE, if you guys who wanted to purchase sets got a list of of names and money together and told Yamiya, for example, "We have 25 people here who will send a deposit of $25,000 for you to produce the lotus root again."

7. There is another possible problem with Yamiya producing the lotus root exhaust. Story has it, while Honda was having manufactured the "paragraph" HM300 exhaust, the muffler halves (unstamped blanks) were somehow liberated from the manufacturing plant, into the hands of someone else who then made the unstamped muffler halves into the early lotus roots. I have heard, but i do not know for fact, Honda is no longer having produced the "paragraph" HM300 exhaust. IF this is true and IF the source for Yamiya was this manufacturer of "paragraph" exhaust, then there are no parts to make the lotus roots. Hence, the possibility of having the parts to make lotus roots is possibly "zero." (Katsuya Oe told me the manufacture of the lotus root diffuser was more difficult than the actual exhaust. It goes without saying, the manufacture of these exhaust, required time, effort, money and skill. Not a part that could be produced with a chisel and a hammer.)

8. I'm giving you these thoughts, because if you guys are REALLY SERIOUS about appealing to Yamiya to produce more lotus roots, it will take some organization and representation to show Yamiya you're willing to put your money where your mouth is.

THE FIRST THING I WOULD SUGGEST: Contact Yamiya and ask: 1. Does Yamiya still have the parts source to produce lotus root?
2. If Yamiya had a serious $$ deposit, would they be able to produce Lotus Roots complete with diffusers again?

It's sad, there is interesting information, written at some length, about the origin source of these new manufacture lotus roots on another website. Would be nice if the author(s) of this information could bring themselves to share it on this BB, dedicated to the sandcast. If one knew more about the principals behind the manufacture of these exhaust, it might be possible more exhaust could be produced. (As an aside, there is also interesting information about the blue-green pre-production bike on that website, that, for what ever the reason, the author chose to not share on SOOC.)

Good luck !


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I Think, for all interested guys, that the best veicle to have the mufflers is the General Bord. Who is interestes, please make the name and manifest if has a serious intention to buy and to create a deposit list.Thanks
Your Italian friend.
737/940 Restored
1081/1362 Preserved
1256/665 Restored - ex Owner: Chris R.
10253/10315 (K0) Next project
1969 - Kawasaki H1 Mach III low ign cover - Restored
1969 - Kawasaki H1 Mach III high ign cover - Restored
1971 - Kawasaki H1A - Restored
1973 - Kawasaki H1D - Preserved
1973 - Kawasaki Z1 Blackhead - Restored
1971 - Norton Commando SS - Preserved
1978 - Honda CBX - Unmolested Museum Quality
1988 - Honda CB 400SS - Unmolested
1997 - BMW R80 GS Basic - blue frame - Museum Quality
2007 - BMW HP2 Megamoto - blue frame - New


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I bought a part from Yamiya off ebay this week. I emailed them to ask for a price deal on their new K0 cut front fender and also asked why I could not find there "No Number Exhaust System on there web site. Their reply was: No Price break on the fender and that they were out of exhaust stock. There would be more stock after the 1st of the year. I'm waiting on the new stock, but if ya'll want to get a list of exhaust buyers, add me to the list. Maybe we could buy as a group. Maybe we could start a "club" or just a list of members that Yamiya would give a larger discount to. Let me know what ya'll think.


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There are two types of no number pipes produced by Yamiya.
1. No number, no indent pipes common to the K0 series
2 Lotus Root type
The sets he is currently producing are the former (1) no number pipes and this will be the third run done of these.
You will need to refer to "Lotus Root" pipes when emailing your request to him
Yabba Dabba KP


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So is the only difference the baffle?

I bought a set of the Lotus Roots at the time and am not too sure of the difference between these and the ones that he offered later (the no number ones at the cheaper price)

Will the later, less expensive pipes accept the Lotus root baffles.

(and what is up with the lotus root moniker?)


Steve Swan

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KP is absolutely correct on the two types of exhaust used on sandcast bikes.

Most, if not all, the numerous differences between the two exhaust types can be studied at:


A Japanese internet friend told me they refer to the early exhaust as "Lotus Root" because the early diffuser looks like the shape of the root of the lotus plant.

In my post of Dec.20, you'll note the details of my efforts about three years ago when I rounded up a group of us members to buy Lotus Roots. As far as i am concerned, those of us who got the early Lotus Root exhaust were very lucky. Yamiya would not offer any price break then, it's worth asking again.

I suggest you guys who want Lotus roots make up a list as Riccardo suggested. I don't have any more influence with Yamiya than anyone else. You'll need to organize this effort yourselves.


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Hi Fellas
Steve Swan's got it covered. Not much more can be said. You just need to take in the pics and part number changes. Steve and Chris have done bloody good work in identifying many differences with the sandcast variations so you need to ensure these variations apply to your VIN before you shell out the green stuff.
My view is that if you can get a set of the lotus root type mufflers, either used or new from the first production or get Yamiya to make another run AND you have a VIN# that was fitted with lotus root mufflers then go fo it.
Else do what I'm doing for my #2 sandcast and that is fitting the no number type mufflers. There's not too many even know of the lotus root type mufflers let alone the no number types. Hey, I gotta tell ya, Yamiya is good. He told me and at least 3 other people I know that the set they and I bought were the last set available. Hee hee hee. Little buggar  ;D  KP
Yabba Dabba KP


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Most, if not all, the numerous differences between the two exhaust types can be studied at:

Lucky me! The newest of my two sandcasts is ~500 units beyond the end of the Lotus Root. No baffle angst for me, woo-hoo!

One of my bikes has its original pipes (tho' the #1 pipe has lost ~6" of chrome from the header weld back up the muffler  ) and I've got two NOS sets of 300s w/ the DOT stamp. Good enough for me, I'm just restoring them to clean and mostly correct runners not concours museum pieces. And no, I'm not selling the originals when/if the DOT pipes go onto that machine.

Steve, thanks for the further education!


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Hi to All,

i've sent an email to Yamiya and i'm waiting for the answer.

I hope to have soon or after 6 january 2009.

I've sayd to Yamyia about many interested owners.

Please, if any sandcast's owner is interested, contact me, i will do a list.

If Yamiya will accept, i will negoziate the best price for the new lot, if possible.

After this, anyone interested will do separately the deposit c/o Yamyia.

Your Italian friend.
737/940 Restored
1081/1362 Preserved
1256/665 Restored - ex Owner: Chris R.
10253/10315 (K0) Next project
1969 - Kawasaki H1 Mach III low ign cover - Restored
1969 - Kawasaki H1 Mach III high ign cover - Restored
1971 - Kawasaki H1A - Restored
1973 - Kawasaki H1D - Preserved
1973 - Kawasaki Z1 Blackhead - Restored
1971 - Norton Commando SS - Preserved
1978 - Honda CBX - Unmolested Museum Quality
1988 - Honda CB 400SS - Unmolested
1997 - BMW R80 GS Basic - blue frame - Museum Quality
2007 - BMW HP2 Megamoto - blue frame - New


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Wouldn't it be good if Yamiya would do a second run of Lotus Root pipes in "STAINLESS" Yes I would buy another set immediately 
Yabba Dabba KP


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Hello Riccardo! Please send me a mail on and I will tell You how many pairs I need. Bojje


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