Honda CB750 Sandcast

Fuel Tank emblems... The very good compromise!!


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Having no emblems of gas tank, I thought for a long time ??? ??? before opting for the solution to use parts original Honda rather of to buy reproductions (Yamiya) so faithful she is... It is a choice.
I thus decided to repaint in black the places which were in white on the emblems of gas tank of K1
(87121-300-030). Luckily, the gilt of origin all around practically disappeared with the light and the sun.
Very boring to make for the masking but the result is there!! And it is I find, of the most beautiful effect..
Thank you for expressing me your invaluable opinion!! ;)

« Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 06:33:11 am by 4pots1969 »


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Nice work. It seems that the plastic casting for the emblem is the same, it's just that the later emblems had a different paint job at the factory. I think it's a good compromise if you aren't doing a 100-point show restoration, which most of us aren't.