Honda CB750 Sandcast


donzie · 11 · 6762


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Ok I give up, what the heck is a lotus root exhaust system I have read every post about this but don't know any more now than I did before!
Where could one go to see a picture of one of these "hens teeth"

Steve Swan

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Please study the website, all the pics and info you need to know about the exhaust are in Production Models and in Restoration/Technical Support.

I have posted the links in the past, but seems as the posts get buried, the posts with the links are difficult to find.

I don't mean at all to be terse, but i have explained (repeated) on the BB in the past these differences and I just can't keep doing it over and over, considering pics and info are elsewhere on SOOC website.

Study the website, it is a wealth of information and slowly, more will be loaded for all our revelation.

Again, please don't take offense to this post. About two weeks ago, we had a sarcastic and vitriolic post by doug21, mocking why we would spend $2k on Lotus Root exhaust, i patiently referred him to where he could find the info, but seemed all doug21 wanted to do is be contentious.

The purpose of the website is to share and learn as much as we can about our bikes and do with them as we desire.


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Donzie, You say "I give up" and "you've read every post and can't find anything on the lotus root pipes".
Mate, I cannot believe anyone who reads every post , (except dougie), cannot find out anything on these pipes.  It's been plastered all over this board for the last 2 months.
I'll be good; I won't say what I feel like saying but it is frustrating when we put keyboard to Board about all sorts of stuff on sandcast oddities and changes, and I read this.
Sorry if I sound like a sour puss-e guys, but I sometimes just want to cry
Try reading the ENTIRE post as per the following link.
Yabba Dabba KP


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I am very sorry & will never post a question again. I am stupid & should have known the link with pictures of early & late "BAFFLES" & the term "LOTUS ROOT" absolutely nowhere on the link, I should have known from birth what a LOTUS ROOT EXHAUST was. Again, I am stupid & will remain quiet you guys are way too busy to help me.


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Donzie, Get a grip my friend. If you had read the thread and followed the links you will have seen the "lotus root" baffle used on the original sandcast exhausts. Tech support has a reference to the lotus root baffle. Also, somewhere on this board it is also stated that the exhaust is so named because the baffle resembles the root of the Japanase lotus tree. I'm not going to look for that reference as this is a research project you should undertake and you do need the practice.
You also said in your post and I quote "Where could one go to see a picture of one of these "hens teeth".
Well my friend, this was the point of my response. If you followed the link, there in amazing Technicolour you will see the "Hens Teeth" or known as the, "lotus root baffle", as distinct to the later and much smaller sprinkler head baffle used from VIN 4149. maybe we should have "Lotus Root" engraved on the side of the baffle and pipe
Look Donzie, it's certainly not my intention to upset members, however it is a little frustrating for us to continually repeat what has already been stated or printed. OK so you didn't get the response to your question you wanted. If you want to take your bat and ball and go home just because you copped a challenge from someone, then Sayonara  ;D
Yabba Dabba KP


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geezus, donzie, don let kp gettcha  he's a smackdaddie teddie bear through and through

as they say in alkies anonymous

keep comin back it gets better after it gets worse

progress not perfection

Don't leave five minutes before your miracle  *hope ya have one soon* 


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Just to be is hard to find those pics as they are listed under engine tune-up section. One shouldn't have to read through every post on the forum to find the information they are looking for and when they can't ...get harpooned.
Hopefully the sight will be a little better organized for ease of use if/when it gets a makeover.
Don't get me wrong it's a great sight......

Just my opinion.



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Well I had to google the a Lotus Root image. Looks like a cigar. My sandcast I just bought had two mufflers had rotted off the other two were still there. These mufflers have this type of baffle in them and my serial number is 1006754/1006778. What's up with that? Reading the info on the site, I should have the later type but I don't.


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41wld yer bike probly got crashed, pipes replaced w/ old ones laying around, erly baffs not tree fruit

Steve Swan

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You have a good point. Well taken.

When I got the idea for a website, with so many things to consider about sandcast minutae, it was not easy to conceptualize the best way to organize all the information.

So, going with what I was familiar with, I decided to use the organization and nomenclature found in the Parts and Service Manuals, thinking most enthusiasts use these reference materials.

After the webserver, Start Logic, migrated two years ago the old vDeck platform to a new platform requiring fluent html experience, of which I have none, this change has been quite difficult for me. The old platform was very user friendly for this 57 year old dummie.

I need to talk to Curt Hollis, to see if he knows html. Or, if anyone out there is html competent, let me know. It all takes time.

What makes things even more complicated, as I see it, we are commited to using Start Logic's vDeck platform. If we were to use a different webserver's platform, all the info in this webssite cannot be transferred and would need to be loaded manually to the different server. (A couple years back, I explored at member's request a different BB host. But if we went with a different BB host, all our old post could not be transfered and would need to be archived somehow, somewhere.)

We probably wouldn't have the website if KP had not encouraged me to follow through. I know the limitations of my compter ability. That's why, after long research, i picked Start Logic as the webserver, it was user friendly then. So really, existance of the website is thanks to KP.

Would be better if someone with computer expertise took over the website, then we wouldn't have the problems donzie and doug21 experience.

It's all easy if you know which buttons to push. If you don't, it takes alot of time to learn and my brain doesn't readily wrap around computer logic.

Curt, if you read this, let me know if you have html expertise and feel you can go in to make some changes to the website.

It's probably because most of us don't have in depth computer experience that involvement with SOOC other than the BB participation is so limited. At least it sounds like a good reason.

Hard to believe the lack of participation in the various pages of SOOC people volunteered to manage are becasue of a lack of caring, but anything's possible. I suspect the main reason is a combintation of things, not taking the time and not having computer expertise.

Cyberspace is not my playground.


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Point taken and I promise I won't fire another harpoon at anyone.
However, my taking issue with Donzie was, regardless of the difficulty in navigating the website, that Steve Swan had posted the link direct to the references on these pipes and a link to the reference to the time of change as well as descripters on the actual change. On March 28 last year, under thread "Muffler, What are Correct", a full description of the actual muffler was posted by Steve S plus the instruction on how to navigate to that area of the Board. This same thread is brought up using the "search" function of this board. Not rocket science.
My point is that members take considerable time to post the information and the links for all of us to share. In Donsie's case the references were recent and the links were easy enough to follow. Maybe the links don't have Lotus mentioned but surely the subject is a dead giveaway. Yep and there is always Google as 1941wld mentioned. There is just no excuse for laziness IMO  Anyway, as I said before Steve, your point is taken.

In relation to your reference to the website being difficult to navigate, I have to agree. For the newer members the website can be a bit daunting and they will need to spend some time going through all the sections to familiarise themselves with the site and the contents.
Steve has briefly discussed the layout and naming conventions used in the site with us and there will be some thought given to how this can be improved. Members thoughts and comments are welcome.
There is a wealth of information on the site and I urge all to take the time to visit all sections. KP   ;)
Yabba Dabba KP