Honda CB750 Sandcast



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Once again you miss the mark.
KP said that the Yamiya ones, as the originals were, have totally diffferent characteristics from the later ones. Yamiya reproduces these characteristics in the pipes they offer (for $2000 not $1200) . These are exact replicas!
You may have bought the later ones....or K0 pipes with relief.....who knows.

You still have to have them repaired and rechromed ....not cheap ....even IF they were the original style.

After this it's time for brail or sign language Dude!

I give up.



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after reading about the pipes i do not understand what you are getting at doug21
the early pipes it would seem are nothing like the later pipes sold by honda dealers
there must be a bunch of owners restoring bikes that need pipes and my hunch would be there would never be enough good used sets to go around
i think what you are saying is very silly from a restorer viewpoint


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doug did'nt say he wants to buy pipes, so should lay off. dou'gs like hte 3 year old boy temper tantrim in the dime store w/ granma- jealous abouts omething he can't have. douf's showing off how smart he is- telling sandcasr guys how stupid they r to spend more moeny than him, arguing price at the air.. he can' t change t hat's ok so let him go


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I'm not sure you actually get it Doug. Seems you think all unstamped exhausts are the same. Well we can point you in the right direction for the info but we can't make you read it.
As Steve (Bickle) said, a used set generally requires work and will cost you a good deal for the pleasure. Once you patch up, rechrome etc etc, you have technically remanufactured that exhaust.
If you buy a set of exhausts off ebay (like you have) and fit these to another bike, technically you cannot call your bike unrestored or original, and that really is the nub of the matter. KP   ;)
Yabba Dabba KP


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Steve ,great job. Doug ,these pipes are not original, but they are correct for an early sandcast restoration. As we gain more knowledge of what is correct factory and the #s they come out as we more authentically restore our bikes. I've seen supposed Vic World early #restorations with stamped pipes. That is what was available at the time. 5 years ago I didn't even know what lotus root was. My Indian restorations are a good example. As we learn more ,more "correct" parts become available. What was a 95 point indian 4 in 1990 would be lucky 2 be an 80m point bike today. Most people would not know the difference between unmarked and lotus root. It's that kind of minutae that makes us passionet about our bikes. Its about gaining knowledge. There is nothing wrong with using any kind of pipes on our bikes , it just depends on the kind of restoration you are going for. I strive for factory correct in every detail I can. I love the research as I'm not a mechanic. Many people like a close rider or a custom. I enjoy the AMCA points judging and the knowledge gained. Other people don't. Who cares
. Bottom line... a very few people did a ton of research to figure out when the earliest pipes stopped. If you want a factory correct restoration before those #s you need the lotus roots. Thats it. Now try finding early 28 carbs to go with them.  Eli