Honda CB750 Sandcast

Steve's #658 UPDATE

Tango911 · 33 · 16550


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Im leaning on parting this bike out.  I know i wont be able to take the time thats needed on this piece.    I have a good idea what parts will/should go for but the non vinned locked engine, im just not sure. It is a sandcast factory replacement,  Im wondering if it will bring more by parting it out instead of selling as one.


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Most of my SC parts are sold now.  I will post in parts for sale in the correct section.


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I thought i would update the status of this bike.  After much thought i decided to part this 658 out.   The profit of this bike goes right back into my shop that was built last year. Since April i have repaird 50 bikes and love my new part time job fixing buying selling and restoring these old vintage japanese bikes.
I want to thank everyone for their input and advice.  I bought this bike for $1800.00 including a motorcycle lift. This was a find of a lifetime for me!  At the time i was ignorant about sandcast and thought i just had an early CB750 worth about 5k or so.  He did have info about sandcast bikes in the folder he gave me so im not sure how he didnt know the worth. If he would only have done some research.   Once i got home, after researching the info for a couple hours and then of course counting the clutch bolts, i realized that i might just have something of more worth than I thought, even though the bike was a total basket case.  I plan on doing something nice for the PO soon since i profited so well.

Results:  I sold this bike in two parts lots

1.  the frame, engine, swing arm, gauges, oil tank ,wheels (all but the tank, LR pipes, Seat and Forks) went to a nice gentleman in the UK for $8000.00

2.  The tank, LR pipes, Seat and Forks was traded for three bikes worth about $7000.00   all titled and running and very nice.  

Both people are very much into SC and I feel these parts are in very good hands.