Honda CB750 Sandcast

Steve Swan's Sandcast in Gallery

kp · 16 · 9647


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Fellas, get a look at Steve Sawn's low VIN sandcast in the gallery. Swannie (we call him Rivers) has done a great job of reserecting this shit heap into a work of art. And what does Swannie say "Aw shucks, it was nothin really"
Nice job Rivers ............ KP   8)

Yabba Dabba KP


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Ditto Steve.....looks great  How does it run?
Are those Lotus Roots?....errrr......ummmm......never mind   

Steve F

Steve Swan

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Hey Steve F !

How does it run you ask ? Uh, well, uhhhmmm, errrrrr...........

As I was typing this post, I realized I could deliver a one liner or worse yet - no response at all. But since it's winter and some of us may have a little more free time than others....... Heck, I'll go for it !!!!

I'll bet this post could potentially open another can of worms, just as entertaining as the posts on the Lotus Roots and front fender. We shall see. Prefer not, but if it does, oh well. Call me anything, just don't call me late for dinner.

Guys, I'll do my best to be entertaining.

O.K. Let me be crystal clear - I AM one of "those" (maddening to some people) guys who irritatingly doesn't plan (yet) to use 232 as Honda intended, i.e., motorcycles are for riding. Aggravating to some, how well I know. Been there, wore out that T-shirt. (Speaking of T-shirts, KP.......)

Steve - You caught me - 232's a closet queen. Yup, at least, to date, that's right - She's an unstarted, unridden closet queen under a clear plastic cover, in a heated room, resting by 4363 who has 748.6 miles on the clock. I ask, what good am I ? (NOT looking for an answer to this question, heh, heh)

I could share the gory details of the whys and wherefores I'm choosing to hold the bike in such sick and twisted bondage, but shan't. Let's just go with I am one of "those" sick and twisted individuals.

Said another way, I don't want to afford the undertaking of putting the bike on the road. There are men of far better character than me ("hondasan," "deacon.") These men are truly designed for such gallant endeavour; this I know. And, that's ok with me. At the least, "hondasan and "deacon" are two admirable men. Live and let live, I say.

I'm content in knowing E254 is completely new inside; rebuilt by a friend who's a machinist and an AMA racing engine builder the past 35 years. The engine will start and run, just fine, I know for fact.

We all have our reasons we ride or don't ride a bike we restore.

As far as what exhaust type are installed, let's just say, to the best of my research and knowledge, to date, the only parts on the bike not correct are the cables for the speedo and tach. They are not the early short ferrule nut type. They are the later long ferrule nut type. And, one carb cap is not a #28, it's the later type cap I machined to fit along with a later slide I turned the length down in my handy little Enco lathe. I am embarrassed to tell what I paid for the early #28 caps, slides, ring nuts and 4:1 small diameter throttle cable. Where there's a need, there's a desire. Where there's a nut, there's usually a tree nearby - or, at least some squirrels.

Yes, I am one of the crazies who incomprehensibly paid the bucks for a set of Yamiya Lotus Roots and darn glad I did. Grateful I did not have to put a $400 used set of exhaust on my bike or a $1200 set of new Honda 'paragraphs.' Damn thankful Yamiya made the Lotus Roots. Damn thankful I was able to afford to purchase a set 2.5 years ago when I did. I hear through the 'grapevine,' Yamiya is having a production run of 10 sets made for $2850 a set. (News of such a price might give doug21 a nose bleed, does me. Might give Steve F a nosebleed too; as I recall, you bought a set of Lotus Roots when I did....?)

steve swan  8)

PS - Come back doug21, get a little more lovin.' Miss you. Come back...


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WOW! What a beautiful job. Kudos Steve!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet the red ones are faster too.

Steve Swan

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It's nice to know there are still jealous people out there. Excellent work on the restoration, I would be pleased if mine turned out half as nice as yours. Marty


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Yamiya re-listed there NO Number exhaust Saturday, 2-6-09. I bought a set and received them 2-11-09. Very nice. Also this set has an inside coating. If you have a sandcast, get the right parts for it. Dad always said, buy the best and you'll never be disappointed.

Steve Swan

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1941wld, your Dad's logic is right on. The best is the cheapest in the long run.

One could bicker about Yamiya's prices and the quality of some of their parts, but overall, they produce high quality items. The exhaust are, as yet, unbeatable.

I will say, 232/E254 is the last sandcast i will ever restore.

Having two of them is more than i need, but the fun factor is undeniable. Restoration of a sandcast is a big event for me from the affordablity standpoint.

Do you own a WLD ?



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I hope when I grow up I get the chance to do justice to an important machine as I'm sure you have. The easy road would have been to put as many brand spanking new repro or NOS parts on that bike as possible. Would have saved a whole lot of head aches and time I'm sure but keeping it as correct as possible is in my oppinion much more admirable. A sandcast as late as mine can afford to have a few acceptions made in order to make it look shiney and new but I'm still holding on to the ideal of making it as original as possible.

Well Done!


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I'll answer that!!! He owns "the" wld

OK, I give up. "wld" ??????????????? I did a Google and found the womens liberal democrats, an extension for some weird file format and a shit heap harley model.  I'm guessing it's not the womens liberal democrats then  KP
Yabba Dabba KP


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It's a 1941 WLD (45c.i. flathead) Sport Solo. The "D" is a little different than the plain WL. The "D" has 6:1 compression and a 2" intake. In 1941 it solded for (with a chrome package add $50.00) almost what you could buy a Big Twin (74 or 80 c.i.) for. Now if you were a small fellow or girl you might fit better on the little 45. A 12 year restoration project using 95% nos parts. A very nice little bike.