I thought I would share this "your tank striping is wrong" story with you.
In Australia we have paint shops that are as good as any. The painter I used last time I had a job done has retired (he was an artist) and finding another was on my to do list. A good friend and fellow Sandcast enthusiasts put me on to a great painter of sandcast tanks etc who's work was right up there but on making an enquiry this guy was so busy he's decided to concentrate on custom Harley paintwork. No more Honda candy paint. Buggar

So find another painter. All very well. The truth is that most qualified spray painters are generally very very good otherwise they would be out of a job. BUT! Finding someone who specialises in small jobs and if possible, motorcycle painting, is not so easy however, I was given a contact who does mostly motorcycles and early bikes is a particular specialty with him.
So I drop around to his shop to have a talk and to see his set up and was impressed both with his setup and the quality of his work, Now there are few early Honda SOHC motorcycles in a particular area so his experience in painting the 69, 70 and 71 models is limited to less that a half dozen bikes but he had loads of experience with candy paint. He was up front when I spoke about painting the stripe on the tank. He'd done a few but was more into using decals which is fine but I want my stripe painted, otherwise I will feel the wrath of Gerard for not doing something in keeping with the original Honda method.

I get to see his album of paintwork of early SOHC 750s and straight up spot a real problem. Tank striping

I say to him "Your tank striping is wrong"
Now this is not the first time we've be confronted with stripes that are off after a repaint. The problem as I see it is more about follow on in that someone such as a painter is told or given a copy of how a stripe should be. After a few years, that incorrect stripe becomes the norm and gets accepted as the correct Honda stripe. Guess what, the largest seller of painted K0 items is Yamiya in Japan, and also guess what, Yamiya's tank stripes are wrong. Mr Yamiya, "your tank striping is wrong" Do not pass go, do not collect your $100, go straight to jail. If you don't agree with what I've just said, then you also need to also go to jail

Now what chance have we got if the biggest seller of the repainted tank stripes has got it wrong

Getting back to my initial tale; I tell the new painter, who is maybe in his early 30's and isn't so familiar with the early SOHC 750 as we collector folk, I'll either bring you a correct original painted tank with correct stripe or I take him a pre-made decal stripe from on of the most respected decal makers on the planet.
Dead f'n easy yeah!

No, not so f'n easy yeah!

I find my elusive pre-made tank stripe in an obscure packing crate, in an unopened box, in an unopened bag. Oh good, a template for the painter, But wait, there's more. On inspecting this finely crafted reproduction tank stripe that I bought from some shady seller at the beer, beef and burgundy bar - SHOCK - I immediately say to my self "Hey Mr tank stripe reproducer, "your finally crafted, you-beaut tank stripe is also f'n wrong" Not only is it too wide (should be around 45 to 46mm wide), it's also way too long
So I dig out 2 unrestored tanks I own, and also compare with an original tank on one of my own bikes. Three original tank stripes in all, so I do know I'm good here. I photo the tanks with stripe on stripe and send them off to the decal maker who I'm sure is going to totally ignore me. Oh well, at least I've tried
Here are my very quick and dirty photos for you to see what I'm saying. Do we all get what I'm saying here
Now there is a moral to this War n Peace story.
If members don't take the time and contribute their findings to this site, how will we learn, how will we know
Enjoy the read
Later fellas.