Honda CB750 Sandcast

Questions and pics of newly arrived sandcast

42barab · 64 · 22368


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Agree with Duane. The speedo is one of the reproduced Honda types, the drive of which was used on the Z1 Kawasaki. For your info, a number of the bolt heads have the belted egg style logo seen on later non-sandcast machines. Correct heads have the #8. The bolts on the master cylinder clamp are from a Kawasaki Z1 which have a 7 on the bolt head face.
Please don't take this as being critical of your bike. I, as do many members of this forum, give feedback to new members for assistance in making their machines as close to original as possible.
In regards to the tacho drive, post a wanted ad on the forum to see if someone has a correct sandcast drive they may wish to sell.
For your info, here's a link to a tachometer that has the later drive as used on the Z1 Kawasaki

PS The indicator (blinker) lens is the superseded type which was fitted to machines after 1972 in the USA. You can find the earlier type for sale by eBay sellers outside the US for a few dollars each. Honda made over 40 million Honda cubs and the early type lens was fitted from around 1975 so they are plentiful.  :)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2018, 10:33:35 pm by kp »
Yabba Dabba KP


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KP has the eagle eyes and is so very knowledgeable on all things Sandcast. The Corvette society certifies it's correct cars with a Bloomberg Gold Status, my wish is to have my Sandcast bikes certified KP Gold by KP, he sees many details others miss.

If my bike pass his judgements, I know they are factory correct for the VIN range.

Like KP stated, hope you don't take this feedback as being critical, we are just trying to help ensure you have a correct bike.



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I tend to be too sensitive sometimes, but I do appreciate your feedback.  I see it as constructive criticism, intended to teach and improve, not tear down.  It does sting a bit, but I have to act like a grownup.  I think it's great that you share your knowledge.  I welcome feedback like this to know what I have and what I need to do.  The bike was billed as being restored with NOS, but I don't think the word "correct" was in the listing.  Silly me.......I made some mental assumptions.

BTW, I am impressed by the depth and breadth of your knowledge, and I hope to learn from it as we go.  I see it as a good thing, definitely helpful and appreciated.    J


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So if I understand correctly, I need a brake pedal (just bought it), turn signal lenses, and bolts.  When you say speedo "drive" and tach "drive" you are referring to the complete gauges, or some component of the units?  I looked at the link to the tachometer, but I'm not sure what I should be focusing on.  J


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One other thing (for now):  by eBay sellers are you referring to companies like Yamiya and CMS? Or just search eBay by part number?  And If I buy a parts catalog like those on eBay now, does it need to have a print date of 1969 or would later versions (like 70 or 71) cover the earlier bike's?  J


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Duane is way to generous. Many of the fellows on this site, including Duane, know plenty of stuff. I just like studying the detail. You don't need a pedal as the one you have is correct for your bike. Try and get a parts manual around 69 although you need to have a good read of the site as there is a PDF version of a parts manual on the site somewhere I thought.
The actual drives are the alloy part that the cable end attaches to These are held in the gauge housing by 3 phillips head grub screws. Simple enough to swap out if you get a correct drive
Yabba Dabba KP


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Sorry, but I'm a bit unclear about what's what.  I should look for both a speedo and a tach drive?  The speedo gauge is a reproduction of a diecast, and the tach is genuine Honda but for a diecast?  So if the gauges and their drives aren't Sandcast correct, why replace just the drives?  Do the Kaw drives yield incorrect gauge readings?  Why not look for complete correct units?   J


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Original gauges fitted to sandcast bikes had removable drive units, which were their selves sandcast. Drive cable entry into the drive unit is offset to the right of the centre line of the gauge.
Speedo fitted is a later (Honda supplied) replacement with cable entry central to the gauge. The drive assembly on these late replacements does not remove from the gauge, hence complete gauge would need to be replaced with one with offset cable entry into a sandcast drive unit.
Tacho fitted has a die cast drive unit whereas original was sandcast, so either need a complete gauge with sandcast drive, or just a sandcast drive unit to swap (you can remove the die cast unit from the gauge).

Hope the above helps clear things up.

Chris R.
Chris R.


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This site is a wealth of information on all things Sandcast, you might have to dig a while but the site contains tons of information.
I am attaching a picture of two gauges for your reference. The right gauge is a Sandcast gauge and the left one is a diecast gauge, so you can see the cast surface on the drive gear.
It is possible to swap out just the gauge bases, but finding Sandcast drive gears even with the entire gauges included might take some searching.
Hope this helps you see and understand the difference.
EBay sellers are just the goods found for sale when searching EBay, beware as many sellers call items "Sandcast" that are in no way Sandcast items, research and  know what you are purchasing.


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Thanks for the pics and the clarification of the differences between a Sandcast and die cast drive.  I think I get it.  In the picture, the diecast drive also has two screws instead of four, and a "ledge" just below the threads.  It looks like the screws fasten a cover over a worm gear drive.  Is this something that needs to be lubricated?


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Sorry for any confusion, but both drives have fours screws, the two screws are missing from the diecast gauge. The chrome cover is held on by these two screws.


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A question for our good friend Gerard of France - What type of exhaust are fitted to the "French Sandcast" bikes?

To answer your question Steve,
The French Sandcast and K0 had HM CB750 exhausts and the location of the marking was in the same place as on the HM300 and their sound was powerful and deep...;)

Gerard, "HMCB750" were European exhaust?  And, stamped "HMCB750" ?  Is Phillipe still around?

"HMCB750" only in France, Germany and Netherland on sandcast, K0 and K1

With unique diffuser. Neither those of HM300 not HM341 will fit.
(I think I snapped one of the very last sets the other day)

Italy, UK etc. "HM300" as ROW

Cheers, Uli (Leonberg, Germany)


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link leads to a wrinkle tank.

Cheers, Uli (Leonberg, Germany)


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Last night it linked to tach. Just now from my watch list, I tried to look at the item and it opened the wrinkle tank.