looking for a seat strap screw that is restorable. Chrome doesn't have to look nice but I do expect the screw socket to be very close to original, not cammed out by screwdrivers. Would also like the back threaded side to be lightly weathered rather than rust pitted or broken.
Not interested in the #4 screw head from Yamiya... The #2 small screw head is what I'm looking for. If you have two and the strap brackets as well I'd be interested but I really only need one screw.
christopher_noel92@hotmail.com is my e-mail. I no longer use the old college e-mail through the site.
I have a gold air box, an NOS repop Honda mirror, an original mirror, damaged, good for parts and a few other bits that I'd be very reasonable on if you have a something for me.