Honda CB750 Sandcast

Side Cover Badges/Emblems Generally

kp · 1 · 2342


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Here are a few photos of badges/emblems to show the paint variations in the sunny gold. The one in the plastic wrapper is a restored original piece. The fellow used to do repop badges for just about any bike made but also did restorations of originals and his work is nice. Still the color variation is obvious. The one in the wrapper is a 4mm early type
Are members aware that the Left and Right badges/emblems have a slight difference between the. Yes I hear you say, they are mirror images of each other. Well yes, but notice that the left wing touches the top of the badge border whereas the right does not.  ;D I'm told that there is also a difference with the early 4mm right badge wing but I've not seen any variation to the ones I have
Yabba Dabba KP