Yes, the original is 9/16". They bore them out and re-sleeve (press in) with a 9/16" bore stainless tube. I've heard some say one can bore them out to 5/8" and not sleeve them but I have no knowledge of this other than to say 5/8" is a dual disc MC for a Kawasaki (and maybe Honda dual disc as well) Both manufacturers use the same company to make their MC's
I prefer stainless cos it'll never give a problem again especially for a motorcycle that is basically going to sit and I now use only DOT 5 fluids.
I'm sick of rebuilding my brake components. I have a garage queen CBX and it's forever requiring brake servicing. My road riding CBX also has the same problem. Fluids become water contaminated over time
My good restorer friend doesn't actually fill the reservoirs keeping them lubed and left. A good idea for bikes never ridden I spose.