Honda CB750 Sandcast


donzie · 4 · 3387


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There has to be something to paint / coat the inside of a new set of exhaust pipes with to slow down the rust. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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have you noticed two-stroke exhausts seem too last forever ?
when i service my bikes i keep the old oil one side,if and when i remove the exhaust pipes i pour the old oil down the pipes its a bit messy not even sure if it works that well,but its gotta help, with the price on those 4 into 4 systems


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I find that actually RIDING the things works. I have owned mine now for 17 years and 80,000 miles, and it still has the same pipes fitted as when bought - and they are NOT rotten (in fact two of them are unstamped, possibly fitted by Honda in '69), despite our crap UK climate. Secret seems to be getting them properly warm when used, and storing the bike when not in use in a dry (not damp) garage.
Further to the two stroke reply, it was once suggested to me to add two stroke oil to the petrol at approx. 100:1 mix - enough to cause an oily coating on the inside of the exhaust, without affecting how they run.
Cheers - Chris R.
Chris R.

vince ciotti

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I use a product called Kreem: you pour it into new pipes, roll it around, let it dry, and it seems to work pretty well so far (1,000 miles). DO a Google search on "Kreem exhaust" and you'll find a bunch of sellers.

Sorry for the late post - been busy!