Honda CB750 Sandcast
Buy and Sell => Parts Wanted => Topic started by: toycollector10 on June 25, 2020, 08:25:32 pm
Hello all,
Yamiya (I think it was) used to sell rolls of orange foam that you could place on your seat pan prior to recovering. There's none on their website now. If anyone could sell me enough to cover the holes in my base I would appreciate it.There's just the three holes at the rear under the ducktail and then a line running down the middle. Also, should the strips of foam running left to right above and below the orange strip in the middle of the seat be creamy yellow or white for a 1969 diecast? Many thanks, TC
Curiously, I have had a number of ducktail seats believed to be from later die cast bikes with foam exactly as the one you have pictured. I do wonder if Honda at some point realised that the early block construction was collapsing too easily and introduced this fix to production bikes. Time for others to wade in with there own observations.....
I do know that the red only block foams were used up until at least 1015xxx having owned two very original such bikes.
Chris R.
Chris is correct. The seat you have is what you should have for the bike you own. There is a strip of yellow foam over the chopped foam support on either side of the red centre strip. Looking at your foam, I would probably only replace the thin yellow foam but yours does look fairly good. I'd try to keep it original if you can.
Thanks for the input guys. I'll just keep it as is then. Cheers.
Hi, I'm kicking this thread back to life because I'm not prepared to put my seat foam back on the bike in its current state. It's dry and flakey and it will just go everywhere if I don't fix it up. I need some scraps of orange foam to glue over the holes before I get it recovered. Can anyone help me out? I only need about 6 square inches X 1/4 inch or so. Many thanks, TC.
I was told this trick some years back by an old Honda restorer. Paint the foam with PVA glue. Not sure if it needs to be a little diluted. I tried it at the time and certainly stopped the crumbling. If you intend riding the bike as a regular thing maybe buy a repop seat and keep the original and store it away. I think the non-red foam repops are priced reasonably.
I agree with KP. Shelf the original and ride a repro seat. FAR more comfortable.
Thanks for your replies, men. I have a reproduction yamiya750 seat with white foam that I will put on the bike. I'll just continue on with the restoration and keep looking for orange foam. I'll try the SOHC forum and also Facebook pages I'm subscribed to. I messaged Ayako at Yamiya to ask if they had any scraps but I've had no reply.
What shapes and sizes and how much of the red foam do you need? i have a considerable amount of supple red factory original seat foam that is not dry nor crumbling available. contact me via