Honda CB750 Sandcast

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Messages - Revskid

Pages: 1
New Member Introductions / Re: Old member revived!
« on: September 10, 2010, 11:35:04 am »
Picking up the bike from the shop today after a replacement of the steering head bearings. Just in time for a Show and Shine and toy run this week end.

New Member Introductions / Re: New member in SC
« on: September 07, 2010, 05:25:26 pm »
I could be wrong here, but I understand unstamped mufflers are quite hard to find. It all depends on what sort of restoration you want to do! the original unstamped mufflers on my bike did not last 3 years without
#3 rotting out. My dad who first owned the bike replaced them with a set of 2 into 2 shorty drag pipes. I blame this for my consequent hearing loss due to tinnitus.

In effecting the restoration they were replaced with a stamped version.

Of personal interest here; One of the pipes we found was actually sitting in the local Honda dealership. I am suspicious that it was ordered for my dad who then ordered shortys for it after he discovered the price of the single pipe replacement. It then sat in the shop for all those years!  After obtaining the remaining three pipes, I can confirm this cost me more than my dad paid for the bike in total in 1970. I know this, as I still have the original bill of sale!   

Paul H.

New Member Introductions / Old member revived!
« on: September 07, 2010, 11:57:50 am »
Hi to Steve and all,

Been registered on this site for a number of years, I think maybe since it's inception. I restored my 69 in the year 2000. I rode it, and showed it, in a number of places in my local area. It was fun to watch the crowds,and the few who gathered around. There seems always a story or two to tell, as many would stop by to reminisce about their own adventures on CB 750's. Well then after a few years I got busy with other things and the bike went back into storage, (AKA neglect!) Been spending this summer sorting out bad gas, oil leaks and leaky carbs. Oh! and a sloppy steering head.

I kinda forgot all the fun this can be! 

Pages: 1