Honda CB750 Sandcast

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Messages - Badwolf

Pages: 1
New Member Introductions / Re: New in Cleveland
« on: December 28, 2010, 08:17:08 pm »
My names James. I appreciate all the feed back. You guys into any other bikes . Ive got some vintage 2 stroke Suzukis and a CB400F . And i collect and restore vintage Italian motor Scooters.

New Member Introductions / Re: New in Cleveland
« on: December 27, 2010, 08:54:59 pm »
Thanks for the warm welcome. I had originally bought this bike to Cafe out because the price was right but once i realized how complete and in good a shape it was in i decided it deserved a restoration instead of being chopped up. Im just finding all the small things weird. The carb stay was cracked in half and took me a while to find one that was correct for this model carb rack. The exhaust are my next project. The previous owner cracked the side panels while showing me the bike  >:(.

New Member Introductions / New in Cleveland
« on: December 27, 2010, 07:04:16 pm »
I'll preface as saying I don't own a Sandcast. I own an early VIN "K0" model with a wrinkle tank, Recessed key , Louvered side panels and some other sandcast nuances. The reason i came to this forum was to get some tips on restoring the exhaust or purchasing a new one . Also i had found somewhere an English company that repops side covers and airboxes anyone know the name of that company ? Cheers i look forward to conversing with you all

Pages: 1