Honda CB750 Sandcast

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Messages - thomas

Pages: 1
"88 Model Distinctions" / Re: ORIGINAL SIDE COVER BADGES
« on: March 18, 2018, 08:13:02 am »
I've just checked and it's true of both the black badge and the golden one.


Parts For Sale / RHS Sidecover for Honda CB750 Four K0
« on: March 07, 2016, 02:55:55 pm »
I have this right-side sidecover for a CB750 Four K0 for sale. It will need a clean-up and a repaint but it is in one piece. Please take a look at the photos. Feel free to request more photos.
I would like USD35 for it but that's negotiable.


Front End and Suspension / Re: Sandcast Shock Absorbers
« on: October 19, 2015, 03:43:52 pm »
Thanks for the clarification!   ;)

Front End and Suspension / Re: Sandcast Shock Absorbers
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:38:14 am »
OK, I have always been led to believe that these stock Honda rear shocks are sealed and cannot be opened up for rebuilding and resealing.

Front End and Suspension / Re: Sandcast Shock Absorbers
« on: October 18, 2015, 05:16:39 am »
OK, verging on off-topic: I don't know how the K0 s/c shocks differ from those of a K1 but I assume that they have more or less the same sealed-for-life damper body construction?
If so, how does one go about restoring to original? (strip, rechrome as needed and rebuild, fresh oil and fresh seals?)


This is a follow on from another thread but a different topic. Why are restorers not rebuilding and restoring their original (easy to pull apart) shocks or buying and restoring used original shocks. These are so damn easy to restore to original.

General Discussion / Re: Zinc plate a tank
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:13:01 pm »
A friend of mine bought some of those no-number 750 K0 replica exhaust sets. To make sure they don't rust he had them plated on the inside (done locally), but I can't remember with what, or how. He is a bit of a rocket scientist... I'll find out when I see him next.

On a related note, apparently when having an exhaust ceramic-coated it is also coated on the inside, so if rust prevention is what you're after that may also be an option?


Could the inside of a tank be plated, with zinc per example?


General Discussion / Re: two different breather covers
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:37:16 pm »
OK, thanks Chris!

General Discussion / two different breather covers
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:09:39 pm »
Can someone help me with these two breather covers? The one has a long 'tunnel' for the front screw and is plain on the inside. It looks like every other breaher cover I've ever seen.

The second one has a short screw 'tunnel' and has several webs cast into it. Could someone ID this breather cover? Is it from a sandcast?


Ok, I get it: "28 tops" are carb tops.

OK, I'm lost, please help: what are "TOP 28" ?

Hi 4pots
Are the 28 tops still for sale

New Member Introductions / Hello from Thomas in Durban, South Africa
« on: March 11, 2014, 03:04:06 pm »
My name is Thomas and I live in Durban on the east coast of South Africa. I have a 1971 CB750 Four since 1983 and a Seeley Honda CB750F since 1988. And since February 2014 I own the major componenets of a 1970 CB750 Four K0. It has Engine number 1044429 and VIN/chassis number 1044164.

I'm told it has spent many hours on the racetrack in the mid-seventies and has been modifeid to the hilt. I don't know what's in the engine but the frame makes no pretense at being standard. The price was right and it has all it's registration papers in order

I also bought a truckload of miscelaneous early-CB750 parts which I'll be putting up for sale. No, not a stash of no-number exhausts  :-(


Pages: 1