Honda CB750 Sandcast

Questions and pics of newly arrived sandcast

42barab · 64 · 22412


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Steve, Thanks for the tip.  It is disappointing to learn about the mufflers and the center stand, but at this point, I'm trying to figure out what I have, so your information is helpful.  For future reference, where would I look to research this type of muffler information?

If I understand correctly, my stamped NOS HM300's are valued about the same as Yamiya repro Lotus Roots?  And for the sake of the bike's overall value, should I be looking for lotus roots to replace the HM300's?  I'm thinking I might try to make as much correct as possible.   Thanks.  J

Steve Swan

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J, you still have a mighty damn fine looking LH horn vin, so don't get too blue.   the quickest place to look is in "88 Distinctions" on forum, (now probably about 120 distinctions) and the other place is on the website, "Production models" area lots and lots of info there.  don't feel too badly about those two items being incorrect on your bike, as the stand is easily remediable and the HM's are valuable, going by what people are asking for them on ebay.  i don't know if Yamiya is still selling lotus roots, i seem to recall they were a few moths back.  probably be a good idea to compare the info on the forum and the site and compare to what you have on your bike.  and if you will, post some good close up pics of various parts of bike on your thread here.  i was just looking at pics of your bike again, and the rear shocks are not the "7-spring" type.  the seat appears to be a very lovely original, at least from what i can tell in pics  know that what you are finding on your bike should be of no surprise and is what comes with a 49 year old motorcycle which can have gone through many lives or changes.


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Thanks, Steve.  Yes, I like the total package very much, and I knew it would be a "labor of love". Based on the seller's description, I was hoping for more originality.  By "seven spring" you mean the number of exposed coils? 

Regarding the mufflers, I think I've read here that the LR's were different from the HM300's because they had less internal restriction, a different baffle, and no brake pedal indent.  But I haven't yet come across why they were called LR's?

I can post more pics and I'll read the areas you suggested.  Thanks

Steve Swan

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Thanks, Steve.  Yes, I like the total package very much, and I knew it would be a "labor of love". Based on the seller's description, I was hoping for more originality.  By "seven spring" you mean the number of exposed coils?  

Regarding the mufflers, I think I've read here that the LR's were different from the HM300's because they had less internal restriction, a different baffle, and no brake pedal indent.  But I haven't yet come across why they were called LR's?

I can post more pics and I'll read the areas you suggested.  Thanks

Yes, 7 exposed springs.  

the term lotus root is non-american.  years ago, i uploaded pics of original lotus root baffles and mufflers, took detailed measurements of mufflers, etc, stc, these pics are all in the website; this was very shortly before yamiya reproduced the lr exhaust because i remember stewing over the fact i only had 3 lr's and the 4th was a "" exhaust, this was during the time i was trying to make 232 correct.  i would encourage anyone who has more than a passing or greedy interest in things sandcast to explore the website, there is a TON of info in the website many people don't bother to explore, because they are interested in a quick answer, or a quick sale, e.g.,   as far as i know, Yamiya coined the term when they produced and made available the lr's during 2006.  at that time, i asked the folks at yamiya, "why lr?"  they said the removable baffle is shaped like a lotus root.  the lotus flower is a highly sacred symbol, any quick google search will give you info -

the lr exhaust have no internal baffling except one plate to hold the baffle in place, and no stamping, i.e, "HM300".  the second version of the exhaust fitted to sandcast  is what the Japanese refer to as the "" exhaust, the muff's have internal baffling as well as the removable baffle which is different from lr baffle, asd for that matter, the lr muff's are different from the "" muff's.  common knowledge for anyone having more than passing interest in sandcast CB750's, knows lr's were fitted to vin's E1-E3149.  "" exhaust were fitted to vin's E3150-E7414, and have no stamping, i.e., no HM300.

A question for our good friend Gerard of France - What type of exhaust are fitted to the "French Sandcast" bikes?


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A question for our good friend Gerard of France - What type of exhaust are fitted to the "French Sandcast" bikes?

To answer your question Steve,
The French Sandcast and K0 had HMCB750 exhausts and the location of the marking was in the same place as on the HM300 and their sound was powerful and deep...;)
« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 06:57:14 am by 4pots1969 »

Steve Swan

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A question for our good friend Gerard of France - What type of exhaust are fitted to the "French Sandcast" bikes?

To answer your question Steve,
The French Sandcast and K0 had HM CB750 exhausts and the location of the marking was in the same place as on the HM300 and their sound was powerful and deep...;)

Gerard, "HMCB750" were European exhaust?  And, stamped "HMCB750" ?  Is Phillipe still around?


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Gerard, "HMCB750" were European exhaust?  And, stamped "HMCB750" ?  Is Phillipe still around?

Yes, they also equipped the CB750 K1 in France...  
What Philippe are you talking about ??? philcad750 ?
« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 07:04:20 am by 4pots1969 »


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I am not sure that the tachometer is correct on your bike, very hard to tell from the photo, but looks to have diecast tachometer.
Can you send a better photo of the tachometer side view where the cable connects, so we can verify?


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Duane, Attached is tachometer side, face, and frontal view.  Other pics as well.  As I read through the "88" Model Distinctions, I'll add more detail pics.  Your feedback is appreciated.


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And these


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And this.  More to follow.


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I know you might not want to hear this, but the tachometer is a diecast version, the speedometer looks to be a late diecast with straight housing.
The brake master cylinder cap is from a 1971 or newer CB and not correct for your Sandcast.