Honda CB750 Sandcast

Reproduction Side Cover Identification

kp · 4 · 3204


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How do you pick a painted reproduction side cover from a NOS original? Not so easy
I had a box of my NOS side covers out so thought I show the identification differences. I've been meaning to do this for years now and had some time so here ya go
Without doubt, the Yamiya reproduction side cover is a nice piece of work so much so I've seen many of these for sale as NOS items. Personally I don't think the paint on a Yamiya cover is correct but when combined with a complete Yamiya paint set it looks great.
OK. First, all reproduction covers do not have the "front face" mould mark/nipple found between the side cover badge holes. All NOS covers have this feature A bit hard to identify when a badge is fitted though.
Second, the inside of the covers tell a better story. The RH reproduction cover has 2 x boxed and 1 x pointed casting lines around the mount areas and is the easiest way to pick a non original right side cover (see photo). Also the mould nipples are raised but flat encircled by a ring depression
NOTE: Many believe NOS Honda covers had a black screen but this isn't so Later made covers all had silver screens same as Yamiya so just seeing a silver screen doesn't make it a reproduction. Indeed, some pre barcode NOS covers had silver screens. Only early made NOS covers had black screens and Yamiya covers with screens are all silver in color. My later NOS cover screens will be painted black more for accuracy and aesthetics than anything else.
Feel free to correct me if I've got something wrong.
Hope this is of use.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2020, 04:45:04 pm by kp »
Yabba Dabba KP


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KP Thanks for sharing and taking the time to point out these differences!

I believe from my observations that early NOS side covers have black screens regardless of the color, whether the paint is Candy BG or Candy RR, all of my early NOS non-dated  side covers have black screens, these are still in Honda boxes and bags. I am sticking with black screens on my bikes, as I believe that to be correct for early bikes.

One other note, all the early side covers the I have observed have much more color (overspray) on the insides of the covers, some are fairly well coated, most reproductions have just a light dusting of color on the inside areas.



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Agree 100% Duane Early covers had enough overspray to paint a second cover  :)
Given the size fo our population and limited number of dealers, all the early covers were bought up years ago. A fella named Tom I think got 90% of the dealers old inventory
I also agree with the black screen I always repaint the silver screens black
Yabba Dabba KP


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