A guy give me a Seyei Fine China Plate with the text : Honda Dream CB 750 Suzuka Circuit.
He told me that his boss, back in the 60's, was in the Honda Factory in Japan (invided by Honda as being a dealer) for the introduction of the new Honda, and he became this plate back in 1968 (yes 1968 and not 1969 ! ).
The guy i have this plate from, was the mechanic of the motorshop till his pension, and he gave it to me becorse he new i own some of these Honda's (he thought i would like this plate and will keep it so it will be in good hands and wont be trown away) it was al these years at his wall at home.
There is a picture of a Honda with the 4 exhausts and number 1 on the steamline , driver on top, seems to be a Japanees driver to me, its clearley the CB 750.
Its in the color yelow ore orange, black text.
Does this say anyting to some one, i did never see this plate before.
Its a plate like a diner plate, fine china Japan, Seyei, and some japanees text on the back of it.
Can somebody tell me more about it ?
Thanks !