as we've seen with sandcast CB750 vins, t's not improbable nor impossible.
those vins are out of the range of what we typically see, but the overall appearance of the bikes seems to suggest it's a good bet the engine's never left that frame since leaving the factory.
the nice red, redline zone iof the tach is telling of how little the bike sat outside.
another 40 years from now, this is one bike, if restored, will not be worth what it is in it's currently such nice original condition. imho, this bike should have a deep sympathetic cleaning and service..... only. this 45 year old bike would clean up amazingly well and in another 40 years would be a lovely original example of an 80 year old machine left for those who (hopefully) follow in our footsteps.
if there are any parts requiring replacement, the replacements parts should be selected with care, only very good used parts or possibly new, so as to not disturb the overall aged appearance of the bike.
(Steve Z, you probably have another 40 years left in you ! i think you should buy it ! i just turned 62 the other day. Yikes !)
or.... ask KP if he has a sandcast for sale........
on another note.... see general discussion....