this bike is NOT a prototype. every bit of it is production, and the side cover badges are reproduced, not original to or from anything.
Bob Brooks told me he made up this machine, as lark, in the 90's from frame vin 35 (for dead certain) and if i recall correctly, Evin 38. he then sold the bike to Japan.
since the late 90's, this bike has been pictured and written about in a number of Japanese magazines. most recently, 2013, in several color pages and pictures in a new book "Honda Dream CB750 Series." a not so thorough study of the pictures will reveal there is nothing prototype or pre-prod on the bike. in fact, this book picturess the frame vin CB750-1000035. the entire bike is ALL production, except for the side cover badges Bob Brooks had made up. Bob told me the tank's from a 69 cb450. Bob was and probably still is a big time exporter of motorcycles, both to Japan and to Europe. (i bought a 79 CBX from Bob around 2005; that's when he told me about his relationship with this motorcycle.)
exciting to find this pic, but it is what it isn't !