Today is my 3rd day of so called 'retirement' and Thursday, March 24 was my last day of work after 43 years service in healthcare; a privilege to been given the amazing life changing experiences i have had.
and actually pretty sad and disgusting the past 4 years to be on the sheeit.end of the stick feeling the brunt of the
corporatizing of health care.i've always worked in the trenches and since the corporatization of healthcare, we've experienced breath taking staffing cuts while the corporation gives people like Peyton Manning $4mil to be spokesman for one year = $1923.07/hour of a 2080 hour work year. Peyton's voice is in a barrage of ads on all the radio stations and his voice answers the phone when a customer is put on hold while staff are too busy to be near enough the phone to answer it.
It's being said in 50 years about 6 major corporations will own and operate all the healthcare providers in the country. healthcare delivery is being ravaged by corporate administrators interested only in the bottom line.
All that being said, these 43 years have enriched my life immeasurably. around 30 of these years have been in mental health and substance use.
Happy retirement, Steve !