Honda CB750 Sandcast

K0 Korner

Wayne · 19 · 10572


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With Steve's revelations, I have been up all night trying to figure out a new user name, since mine is bull dust  ;D ;D

I like the title too !!! .. I was just trying a witty reply to Chris's comment that my 500K0 doesn't exist. I vote you get some sleep and leave the title  just the way it is. As I understand it it was introduced by US dealers to identify the early bike from the K1 onwards models when ordering parts.

Attached is what John Wyatt says about the K0

The UK specific  bike 'holy grail' part is the rear fender.. I managed to get a NOS one off eBay. I paid a lot for it but it was being sold on behalf of a dealer's widow, to raise funds for her so I was happy to pay a lot for it in a bidding war. Another item is the RH bar switch with a scary centre off headlamp position. Chris will probably know a lot more differences.

Once I have bit of free time I want to add a lot to this section and thanks for introducing it.


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Thanks Ash, I feel better with my user name since I live in the US.  :D :D


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Ash - I have records of approximately 50 / 60 original UK pre-K1 CB750's (pre-internet days, a couple of us created a database of UK survivors, based purely on observation, ie, seeing them out there in use!)

Steve, the above records contain details of 4 genuine original UK sold K0 CB750's, which certainly did exist back then in the '80's / '90's.
Knowing the original UK registration numbers (license plate numbers to you), it would be possible to check UK vehicle computer records on-line and ascertain whether or not they still exist. Not a foolproof system, as the authorities are not always notified when a vehicle is destroyed, and it is possible for an owner to change the registration number.

Chris R.
Chris R.


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This is an interesting article on a UK CB750 in my 'Dropbox'

 To this day it has only done just over 500 miles I think.

 I was in discussion after the Bonhams auction of the original UK press bike,  with someone about the correct rear lamp fastenings on UK model  to the rear fender. I think they should be crosshead chromed screws not hex bolts. Like the attached shot of a museum CB350 twin and a poor shot of the 500 miler one in the article link.