The rear wheel hub is truly a thing of beauty and an enormous one to look at.
As a teacher my funds are somewhat limited which explains why I havent bought a replica of it yet (exceeding 4000,- USD).
But when the bike is finished i could always replace the standard rear wheel when funds are sufficient.
However the smaller parts i can afford and for my collection and just the heck of it I bought some.
The rear brake cables are supplied in 2 different lengths, so you can change the side on which to shift.
41231-300-970 Retainer, Bearing
42000-300-970 Wheel Assy., Rear
42100-300-970 Brake Assy., Rear
42200-300-970 Hub Assy., Rear Brake
42311-300-970 Collar
* 42313-300-970 Collar, Side
42601-300-970 Hub Comp., Rear
42606-300-970 Spoke A, Rear
42607-300-970 Spoke B, Rear
* 42620-300-970 Collar, Distance
42701-300-970 Rim, Rear Wheel
43100-300-970 Panel Assy., Rear
43102-300-970 Washer, Brake Pin
43120-300-970 Shoe, Rear Brake
43141-300-970 Cam, Rear Brake
43151-300-970 Spring, Brake
43200-300-970 Panel Assy., Rear Brake
43411-300-970 Arm A, Rear Brake
43421-300-970 Arm B, Rear Brake
43451-300-970 Rod, Rear Brake
43452-300-970 Nut, Brake Rod Lock
* 43460-300-970 Cable, Rear Brake
* 43470-300-971 Cable Comp., Rear Brake
43472-300-970 Spring, Brake Arm Return
43473-300-970 Pin, Rear Brake
* 90128-300-970 Bolt, Sprocket
* 90665-300-970 Circlip, External, 115mm
The complete hub isn't mine, the parts are.