Honda CB750 Sandcast

early valve inspection cap distinction....??

Steve Swan

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i know i have raised this question  3 or 4 times in the past, and don't seem to remember any response, so here goes again with a picture attached.

when i first got interested in sandcasts around year Y2K, one of the things i noticed was was raised embossed figures "F 1" on the inside of the caps including turning marks of lathe work.  these features are not seen on later caps.

this cap is one of 8 that came with the diamond cross-hatched came on an E19xx engine.  the fact that cover was on that high of an Evin is remarkable in and of its self!



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Mr Swan, I checked one of my early cam covers and found a cap with F3 and seems to show machine marks. The other caps have nothing and no machine mar
Yabba Dabba KP


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Here's another cap photo from a cover dated 44 4 This cover has F1, F2 and F3 caps
Yabba Dabba KP

Steve Swan

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Thanks for the great reply and pics, KP.  fwiw, the diamond cam cover that was on E19xx has all 8 "F1" caps.

44 4 date......  is that April 1969?


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That's what I think No more numbers after the single 4 It has 44 a space then 4
Yabba Dabba KP