Gotta love these kind of photos....what a wonderful find! Well, not a find....a rediscovery.
The good news is that your bike is in decent shape and has a lot of the super rare stuff (double cut front fender, recessed ignition and so on). You even have the correct 1969 CA license plate. I have the same on my candy-blue green daily driver sandcast. Super cool.
The paint appears to be in excellent condition. This is rare for red paint which usually fades. Is it a wrinkle tank?
Your exhaust (at least 1 and 4) are toast which is common. You can find excellent reproductions or hunt down originals if you have the time.
Probably time for new tires too

Other than the black steel bar on the back of the bike, I dont see anything incorrect. KP will set us straight...he's great at examining photos like this!